Wednesday 4 June 2014

Old essay---The Chrysalis of man © 2012 Robert Fullarton


The Chrysalis of man.

This essay is written about the supernatural change that will effect mankind in both this lifetime on earth and there afterwards.

1.  The days themselves grind out slowly and each day has a lesson which I inevitably fail. Every time my inner fears almost destroy me and dampen my heightened hopes I look again to God, the pulse that beats in all things. Look at all the modes and functions the reasons and example of nature, but the random and spontaneous life that is composed and driven in this tiny echelon in the vast ocean of the universe makes me not feel miniscule in this sense but important. Intelligent design is the trademark written in the planets, the workshop of God. Now god is the pulse, that shapes and crafts and breaths life into all things. Every technicality in nature, every degree of advancement, every achievement from man in a sense has come from the mind of God’s impeccable wisdom that shapes all things. The sky for example has its pulse too, it is the canopy of the birds, that cradles them, and certainly the roof of the house we life in. Nature indeed has five limited finite perceptions and senses, but the pulse itself can have innumerable senses and emotions, which are ominously in the background this whole time, present. One of which is the Holy Spirit, the 6th, 7th, or 8th sense if you will. This Holy Spirit breaks the inner boundaries of one’s capabilities, mentally and spiritually, it sort of gives a taste a foresight of another grand place, something many have believed, this is the way life really should be simple sweet and free, with no implications barriers and obstacles. The meaning of life is to discover the pulse itself become one with it and thus see things three dimensional, instead of two dimensional.
                                       When life was premature, in the thoughts and the very epicentre of his force there, lay the scaffolds of grand design and ingenious invention, given birth to assimilated species both higher (angels) and lower (humans) with the reins of discovery and crafted all in the happenings of reason, and that reason was to join him, to know him personally and overcome the obstacles between him and us. He gave us minds that are directive, creative, inventive, objective and locked within us lie the mechanism’s of pure emotion and everlasting purpose, something that expresses a true wholehearted statement of what defines destiny and purpose, that mechanism is love itself. It can be followed on an impulse which defies explanation, but immaterial to those who try to measure it in physicality for indeed it is an earthly teething of what lie’s ahead, something unseen, yet something wondrous against all other human measures, means, modes and physicality’s, for surely it rises above laboratory science.

2.  The pulse is self content, omnipotent and foreknowing forever, in the annals of space and time, he formed the first intelligent life with spiritual, non biological, non scientific higher creatures, they are well organised like us, structured, and kept together in core with his commands, and so in a way the laws of creation are applicable to the pulse which made them thus.
When man was created, race by race in the beginning of history, it was in his mind, that he made choices to act morally correct or morally wrong, the psychosis of man will prevent him surely from being utterly aware and conscious. One major problem for human beings when it comes to looking at something which we all healthy enough, enjoy, is that people have to have their interests renewed perpetually, man’s
interest has a short lease, his moods, thoughts, emotions and through consequence separate him, from what he searched for. Thus it is obvious why the idea of everlasting life can be misunderstood and confused with from the start and as I stated these disturbances not only interrupt and intern our original search in life it also twists and turns our attention span on what we sought for.

Maybe buried in the roots of unconsciousness, maybe buried in the emotion, which rains out, in the romance felt by two people for one another, maybe love itself a higher language, maybe this is the trademark of the soul the non biological part of us, which more importantly than DNA, makes us what we are, and will become.
Life itself has indeed become a parable and a paradox that the wealthy man is quite often miserable and the simple living happy and free, accumulation can be a boundary and a stumbling block in life, as wanton possession seeps like poison in a wound, it is an insecurity a null and void emptiness in the make up of their life’s, they think “a new computer, a new laptop a new expensive phone, shall give me pleasure,’’ but surely creature comforts cannot fill our holes and change our spiralling interest’s but instead feed obsession and renew and revive human hunger for possession. We can also say that a man’s exalted ego can blind him form the reality around him, he draws conclusions before examining closely the facts, on what put him on the earth in the first place. For many people dissolution can arise in any normal human being, with incapacity to understand the idea of a god who made us with a master plan, many fail to rise above the popular notion’s of ‘religion’ as many call it. One must become firmly educated on the facts and search for the means of that education from a genuine expert, he who has in the empiricism of experience encountered and overcome in this world shall indeed have a mind like a shaft of gold, with a rich and vibrant knowledge of the situation. Look beyond the institutions and conceptions of bishops and the higher Archie and look personally without bias, look without other opinion from interfering voices whether they are from popular media we watch, peer pressure in school or from ever degrading notions of science. Buried within the human psyche lie the incapacity and psychological misunderstandings all human beings go through, many people today can however degenerate a mind frame swathed in self conscious ego and pessimistic decision making that can hamper and destroy and even blind us, and in a split second the situation can be changed. When the mind is locked, self realisation of the inner and outer existence are completely morphed into our personal opinion on the temporary and limited thoughts of negativity as opposed to the reality of things. For example people who suffer from manic depression quite often encounter deep and frantic thought, and are often hampered to suffer mood swings and violent rage, and most intriguing of all they do not quite often realise within themselves what they have acted out themselves. Quite frankly agnosticism and atheism are a psychological incapacity to understand the means modes and functions of the supernatural, one must give something to get something back and in return what is given is a far more glorious bargain than any inclination in our hearts. The statement in St. Luke’s Gospel explains it all ‘he who humbles himself, shall be exalted, and he who exalts himself shall be humbled.’’ Simply meaning also the intuition of many self professed intellectual’s in society throughout the social ladder of society, are often taking the simplicity of life for granted and a too serious stance of life with a hyper active sceptical mind with nothing to neutralize and control the manic thought within them.
It can be found in an example of a painting with a hidden message, an abstract image seen only by certain people when looking at a certain angle.
The human being in its own lives, breathes and moves in the moments of discovery, and one must look to find and discover the pulse on his own accord to the methodology written in the colourful accounts handed down by wizen, experienced men with a capacity to understand, and with eyes open, acute to the natural and supernatural reality that exceeds it. We could simply look for guidance and answers with the gospel statement, ‘ask and ye shall receive, search and ye shall find’ and surely if we find our prayers are still not answered can we say is it me? Is a change needed in my lifestyle, could it be dissolution and an interference of confusion that separates my requests and ultimately my discovery? For many of us we are all on a space craft awaiting transmission, journeying through life and finally hitting touch down to a new world far from our wildest dreams.  
                3.  I think many of us are searching for the merit of purpose, and many of us are dreaming of a magical afterlife, a magical day when the door is opened and all things miraculously alter for the better. Yes there is such but we have to fight for it, and the battlefield is within ourselves, to overcome the negative forces and triumph with the positive ones, not to capitulate to fear, doubt, scepticism, criticism and pessimistic thinking, when we might have many of the keys within our pockets and we might have been given a royal flush after all.
God himself positively knows all works and inventions present, past and future that man has constructed and all man’s inventions and discoveries of the natural mechanisms on how the grand pulse himself works, how his thoughts are the grand scaffolds of imagination, dreams, hopes and glories. If anyone believes my notions and ideals to be primitive in its basic conception, certainly as true to realism as possible, to be primitive is to be realistic, for all civilisations learned and adopted in the throes of basic existence, and advanced and cultivated in experience to discover and invent (i.e. Mankind’s invention of the wheel). Simplicity is the way mankind was meant to live, through the obedience of our lively subjections, and initially you can differentiate between good and bad through the difference in attitude, perception, feeling and opinion, and thus primitive living and conception also means, simple and joyous living to behold everything in Gold and silver, basically to enjoy every day, moment and minute, every blue sky, every sunset and every meal cooked for us each day, it opens thankfulness in a human heart and extends the limits of our patience, it is a temperance of life but a way of breaking boundaries such as monetary possession, power, pride and accumulation in general.

4. It can be true that man has a wild imagination untouched un kept, that can override and burn out, it can be fanatically destructive and negative in every sphere within, or completely positive and harmonious with our fellow beings. This is the total freewill for without out it, we would not be free, but more importantly free will represents the genuine real life choice of loving the pulse itself, loving ones creator, for true love stands and fights in prevailing opinion, it overcomes hard times, loneliness, sorrow, disillusion, and pain, yes particularly pain, which might unfortunately be a mount Everest to climb. If one looks at this perspective, it is like a parent trying to explain the ways that were before he came into being, explaining sexuality to the adolescent, who must learn and experience as he lives, so assuredly these are the conditions imposed upon us, like it or lump it, but rather these imperfections can teach us all individually to make perfection and act next time round, think of the tin and copper infused to make bronze, when it is crafted and refined in the blacksmith, so assuredly we are being refined to become like those grand and happy non biological creatures in heaven.

5. When one looks for the pulse, we certainly need a medium to understand, explain and guide us on the right roads to charter our ship on the right sea, for which we sail. For when I read Shakespeare I need to look at the little footnotes which give me guidance and help me understand what the vernacular language of Elizabethan England was like exactly. A medium might be needed for many to figure out, the Bible itself for what is written from the supernatural might often be perceived as natural, what was made wise and made beyond ordinary understanding, might appear as perplexing riddles to another. If some find the bible vague, well remember that the bible is written as historical first hand accounts and written by a colourful bunch of personalities with each story to tell of his or her personal struggle to adapt to God and the supernatural system and how he was rescued or how he overcame his opponents.
The bible was never written exclusively for intellectuals or written for scientists to scrutinise upon, it was written by many unlearned men, men destitute men, humble men, with much grave error running deep within their lives, but overly poor all in all, the book was predestined and foreknown, it is a textbook of grand morality and harmony, but a grand history of the pulse’s deeds, and dealings with us and where he can be found. It leaves a trail of signposts for the good and a bear trap for the wicked, when its forewarned prophecy comes into pass
For the pulse is very particular and individual he has no aligns for fashion, or loves for accumulation, but for us, and his mission is to keep himself busy to know each and
every one of us personally, to let us enter into him.

6. Neither a man, an angel or the pulse itself should have to move heaven and earth to psychologically shift a man’s un believing mind to a positive believing mind, for this is a dependence on an assumption with proof, which is null and void to the reality we are part of. We entered into this world not knowing a thing until we were taught by our parents, this is in essence the short term and second-hand education we receive, but unquestionably, the grand education, comes first, that is purpose, and reason, to learn where both apply and fit hand on glove for each of us, will indicate where we are going and what spiritual road we stroll upon. We can learn to expand our capabilities, we have been given the answers to many of the questions on this grand exam were taking. If god is the parent and us the child, he must rectify our actions and give us a helping hand from time to time, he steers us our ship away from the schylla of materialism and the chyrbdis of wrathful judgement on our fellow human beings. So begin to ponder, the notion that this world is a sort of test imposed on each of us, really cements, these notions in place, the idea of a blooming of the meek and humble man, show up in life and death in a simple parable. Man is like the caterpillar in some respects and god is the means of his perfection, death, mankind’s curse can in fact become his blessing through the new transfiguration of mankind, so death is the cocoon, the chrysalis process of greater transformation to become perfected and a new creature altogether, like the butterfly triumphantly emerging victorious.   

7. Where lies the fear of an objective God?, an objective pulse?, it lies in a conscious and psychological fear of change a grand insecurity, that might affect or morph the design and structure of our lives, and leave us cleft in twain. However objectiveness and more correctly to be subjected to do things we might think not for us, is found in all society and when St. Luke speaks about humbly swallowing pride, and accepting and obeying our superiors, that in essence is another grand block within our lives but, more correctly a test to measure the perseverance, strength, and endurance of what makes us who we are. The objectiveness is found in the judicial functions and the laws made, that hold the good and bad, that is
If someone says, ‘what can you call right and wrong when slavery was legal those hundreds of years ago, well let me elaborate, and ponder, that just because civilisation had no conscious ideas on the moral injustice of human slavery, did not make it none the less an injustice, but through the changing of events within civilisation and on the broader perspective, the pulse has opened our eyes, in a way to the cruelty of human slavery and altogether of human sin itself. So if slavery comes back to Western Europe
(God forbid) man shall surely know fully conscious that it is morally wrong and he shall have to act upon it, with foreknowledge of the consequences. Another example can be if there are two thousand slave traders and only one of them realises the wickedness in what he does and speaks out upon it, against the 1999 other deceived slave traders, it shows the minority speaking out, through self realisation against the morally corrupted majority. This shows that out of a large crowd, maybe only a handful at a time, can get the facts right, and overcome the human fears which swamp our day to day existence.
Second of all the pulse itself did create the heavens and the earth, the universe and did create us with distinction to all others. So could I not say?, that the ten commandments are man’s holy and moral roots which have given precedence to the constitution’s and statutory laws which emerged afterwards, and certainly that the breaking of these laws by none other than Jesus Christ, shows a vast amendment and a revision of the laws of morality, this is especially seen in the verse that expresses loving ones enemies, against the notion of an eye for an eye.
So could I say that he knows what’s best, even in times of great discomfort, like a good parent who tries to educate their child in the best possible way, even if that child doesn’t understand the methods the parent uses, and it arouses a tantrum from them, the good parent will try and calm the child, reward it when its good and punish it when it commits wrong. For I think the biblical passage found in the book of Psalms sums up exactly on God when it says “My ways are not you’re ways, and you’re ways are not mine.” And when it says “the wisdom of God is foolishness to the wisdom of the earth, and the wisdom of the earth is foolishness to the wisdom of God.”
8. If anyone judges God from the opinions and criticism of the world media, and examines what intellectuals and scientists have to say, he will undoubtedly be given a narrow minded, negative downcast view, from the secularist 21st century. Let me explain that what is universally known is that anyone who has absolutely no experience or little knowledge of theology, (or more correctly a supernatural recognition) has in essence a voice far from the nucleus of the issue at hand. If they have never read the bible in their entire lives then their foolish judgements are but a gamble on their own assumptions against proven fact and more correctly reality itself.
For example it is a case of speaking before thinking and a case of narrow minded assumption can be given when people say famously to me “the bible has caused much damage as well as doing good,” remember for the love of common sense!, books do not kill people, book are but words on paper that have the power to convert or compel a human heart to its argument and its story. Most importantly the bible does not promote violence but is in fact the polar opposite; it is in fact the pacifist’s guidebook to life, if properly read one can notice from passages in St. Luke’s gospel such as the Good Samaritan, the beatitudes of Christ and the conversion of St. Paul from a violent means of living to a peaceful means of living, these are undoubtedly the proof given to show that the bible was foreknown and fore planned from God who worked in mind and spirit with the struggles of these finite human beings and the proof that the bible’s message is one of  peace. Finally I say that the bible gives the guidelines, and gives the directions, only a human heart can act upon them and a human mind consume its wisdom. So when someone else says “the crusaders were Christians and look at what they did!”, again I say think, these men were called hypocrites in the time of Christ, so aren’t they still hypocrites, and in close examination the gospel of Luke says expressly, ‘if you love me truly you will obey my commands,’ this means in essence if you love me you will take my advice seriously, for that will show you’re love me. In the case of these men the end did not justified the means.

9.As we all know those who have experience in a particular arena should, in probability be a master of his field, and so I will now speak on the means of finding God, the ultimate presence or helping guide as I call it, this is the Holy spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the living presence of the divine, godhead (the pulse) it is encountered within ones body through the senses and the emotional passions; it is a wholehearted and unquestionably pure form of love. The Holy Spirit is a conscious and unconscious power, or sense above man’s limited finite five perceptions, it is also felt as well as in emotion, but a calling to God, triggered through the most admirable of all earthly thinking, it can perform supernatural talents and gifts which men have hidden with them, it can inform and make wizen the unlearned against the intellectual, it can heal and mend our bodily dysfunctions, as a sun tan is the proof that someone has been out in the baking sun, the holy spirit can be felt like a soft wind or a water trickling inside us, it can expand and grow if our moral actions and efforts improve and can become a part of our daily living to improve and unravel the strangleholds and struggles around us. It can be felt from eye to toe, inside the heart and lungs when it is felt more strongly. The more essentially we love God, the more it grows within us. So could that explain what Christ meant when he cleverly said ‘the kingdom of heaven is within you.’’ So let me elaborate more, the Holy Spirit is a link, or connection through which can be a means of understanding and getting to know the great pulse himself and maybe it feels as though his wondrous and impeccable pulse is beating inside us, and assuring us that everything will be just dandy in the end.

10. So I say myself the Christian school of thought is the highest academy there is, an institute on three pillars of virtue, like what Lewis stated in his book Mere Christianity, the foremost of these is love itself, a virtue abounding in universal reason and harmony towards all living creatures, it is the chemistry that is elementary when fully understood in great capacity, it makes worshipping the Pulse, the ultimate joy and comfort in existence and it is not reluctant but an impulse eager to our inner calling and instinct. It heals the ailments within us and corrects the wrongs to make things unbelievably right. Faith is the highest form of trust, it is found in all relationships to cement and bind a friendship through hard times and joyous moments. It can be our soul’s undivided attention and trust to God as well, and as in the essence of St. Paul’s teaching, from love comes faith, but without love, there cannot be faith.
At many times through our living patchwork of momentary hardships, faith feels like a blind impulse but it changes and grows within when one makes a personal and positive commitment to exceed in what was once unbeatable, and the symmetry of inner trust is moulded by the love that holds our mortal interests to the unconditional love of God. With love and faith united, hope follows; Christian hope is like all hope it is unseen, for much of our days but different in that it is living hope that we are inextricably intertwined in destiny with that of God himself, Christ himself, the angels and the saints. It is money in the bank, a sort of investment due to come into fruition, possibly at any time anyplace, but kept up through the Love and faith married within us, which is found in the hearts hidden closet of faith and through the deeds we act in daily life. Hope will take care of itself, if we take care of the first two virtues.
Finally I say that hope is a longing for things to be perfect, from sorrow to joy and slavery to freedom, hope is the transition of what dreams become, all in due time.

11. If we look over now to what Christ taught, his miracles and authorities and the grand scale of his achievement, it strikes me as a wondrous thing that God almighty, the living pulse, becomes incarnated, to become another mortal out amongst us, but no not is he born in a palace were a man would expect the grand messiah to be or not in a mansion but in a stable a complete unknown oblivious to the inn keeper, born a pauper amongst men, completely humble and a perfect subject to the objective God the father himself. What mankind assumes and expects is one thing what God creates and does is the un assumed reality. Christ has all the powers of the pulse he can control the sea of Galilee when it gets out of control, he can heal men of every kind of disorder and set them right ( which he transformed through the spiritual faith which had accumulated within them) he also spoke prophecy, on the times which had and have not happened so far, however most of all he had the most grand power exclusive to the pulse, he could raise the dead, and thus enter the soul once again into the body, formulating life. His ways in complete hindsight from St. John were the likes of something never seen and unheard of in old Judea (and practically extinct in our time too). But the most invigorating, the most spectacular aspect of, like something from middle earth, has to be that God has ordained and anointed Jesus Christ as an ultimate scapegoat to answer solely for mankind’s crimes and sinful actions, but he gives his life for the ultimate love he has from the pulse himself to the creatures formed long ago and through this he has elevated the destiny of man, who can be shaped in time to become a finer object of purpose, simply meaning, the resurrection of the good.
For all pure hearted natural mortal men and women will become perfected supernatural eunuchs eventually, when sexual relations are over and the differentiation of the sexes is absolved, in due course and the eyes opened forever.
So in conclusion through the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, he has become the first of his own kind, a supernatural man, perfected of all errors and amended in likeness to the pulse, and thus life gets better as his purpose steadily exceeds. Man will become even with those lucky angels in heaven, and best part of all is that the pulse became a mortal man, lived and died for man and not for angels, whom he equally loves, but that through Christ, the saying, “that we were created in his image” shines through with a glorious radiance, and thus our link with god is strengthened and inextricably intertwined and thus reminded of the ultimate love and sacrifice, through the sacrifice Christ made and his mortal death which he overcame, we can see a special relationship unrivalled by any false one of materialism and as C.S Lewis says himself “good men can become sons of Christ and children of God in their own right’’.



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