Tuesday 17 November 2015

On Modern Media Manipulation By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2015

On Modern Media Manipulation
By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2015

It is a shame to think that the media of the west today is mostly concerned with matters which are sensational, controversial and dominated by the cautionary language of political correctness. I can safely say that they do not speak for me nor will they ever speak for those who are opposed to the modern zeitgeist. Our era is the religion of “human rights” where all fingers are pointed, accusations are made and all appearances are neatly cemented over in a post-colonial and post Christian Europe. The old solid powers of state and church are diminishing on a wholly conventional sense. Nothing can be done in the modern world, between the swamps of liberalism, bureaucracy and corruption; one can ultimately state that a governmental body will pass whatever piece of legislation it desires, because the people will have no say nor full knowledge of what greatly concerns the fragile situation we are in.

Ours is the time when one can “see no evil”, “hear no evil” and certainly “speak no evil” and call a spade a spade or state one’s mind in a legalistic limbo of nonsensical pretensions. In this age of legalism, where justice is denied on technicalities of legislation, the dogma of “rights” is cried in the face of justice and the moral absolutes that cemented our predecessor’s in place have been removed in the amending of laws and the tide of nihilism that swept Europe over the previous decades. Europe at the present rate and in acceleration will become unliveable.

A society that is based in the relativistic rhetoric, the pluralistic ethos and liberal mindset goes without a solid foundation for which moral harmony can be grounded and held together, such was seen after two world wars with the cynical pessimistic worldview that was garnished with the existential philosophers that promulgated a hedonistic and utterly selfish lifestyle.
Our media is secular and is made up of adherents who believe in a sort of wish-washy utopian idea that all peoples, all cultures, all lifestyles, all practices (of course other than Christianity) are acceptable and placed under one banner in the state. Such a social experiment has failed to a certain degree and full social integration has not come about on all levels of the social stratum. Those who despise democracy and are kept in a medieval mindset of extremism will not be gently persuaded by the comforts of the western world, (despite what the western governments desire) and such extremists ultimately desire to destroy the beloved doctrine of rights and luxuries (which the secularists deem to be “holy writ”) The political power I speak of wants a hegemony or theocracy (which was and will be the most brutal known to all) that is a retrogressive dive into the dark ages and it wants global dominion. Rather than be silent in a world where the western world is cultural, politically and spiritually in a vexatious demise, one must speak out.

The western society which was eager to abandon its heritage, traditions and spiritual identity, is slowly reaching its nadir after the apex of wealth and luxury that had given much, privilege, luxury, social benefits and comforts. In such times of great comfort, people tend to take the spiritual and religious matters of existence for granted.

Media is the modern weapon that yields its audience into a subliminal message, a power that binds people’s attention to a product, to a person or to a way of life. The power of the media is relentless in this age of ours it does not ebb so long as the money keeps flowing. What disturbs me the most is how controlled the media is for a particular agenda that harasses and bullies those who dissent to the constant changes and the damages that have come through the manipulation of the media. The media has helped to shape us into narcissistic clones of consumerism who seek perfection and pleasure, and basically have lost sight of deep truths and eternal hopes.

I do not believe that time brings progress, nor do I believe that the years add comfort, enlightenment or freedom. I know that the de-valuation of our belief system in an absolute morality and in the Judeo-Christian religion has been exasperated by the quicksand of critical thinking, scepticism, cynicism and a sheer lack of understanding. The scholar has the tendency to analyise every matter into disrepute, until nothing can be called solid, truthful or eternal in their language. Man has truly eaten from the tree of knowledge and the fruit has tasted rotten for some time. Man knows that in time, all he can commit adds to the bill of terrible legacies that have scarred the generations and the memories of entire people, until no nation fully trusts another, but more honestly all strangers are in fear to a certain extent of each other. 



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