Tuesday 15 July 2014

Asperger Syndrome and Education- part 2- Copyright Robert Fullarton 2012

Asperger Syndrome and Education- part 2- Copyright Robert Fullarton 2012

Tales of courage are indeed the “old wives tales” which we feed off for our daily sanity and our most inner sought aspirations.

On the subject of education and in relation to what I mentioned earlier in the book, I myself struggled with my schoolwork, right throughout my life, I had to be cajoled and prompted by my mother to actually sit down and start my homework. I had a pretty dismal capacity to concentrate, had little interest in the course work or in the benefits and the rewards of studying, revising and improvising with the knowledge we are given at an early age. I was bored with school, I had more of an interest imaging up invisible creatures, imaginary friends and scenarios and had more of an interest in the computer games that were on offer. I love the world of the imaginative and found the dense, utterly stuffy and austere world of my classroom education to be too much for me. Even when I did study, I found the school texts to be too restrictive to my own private curriculum of games, imaginative play and creativity.

I myself was a prime example of a child in need of a helping hand, my friends David, Mary, Liz and Katherine all were prime examples of those who suffered the abuses of the failings of the education system and the misunderstandings on every level of scholastic education. I myself know many Aspies who would likewise be capable and competent for the role as an educator for young Aspies to come to terms with their own scholastic education and their individual talents.

So much talent needs to be reaped as the great potential of many children is wasted, squandered or lost through domestic crises, the failures of school education and the prejudice perhaps of peers, all childhood experiences in such instances can form a negatively displeasing nurturing of pessimism and self hatred, when the child is not afforded the freedom to pursue their own educational requirements, tastes and natural abilities, and this is the specific education that many need –especially those who fall into a neurological minority- to pursue an education that meets individual needs and yet yields to create a field of excellence on par with no other comparison or standard. 

A generically standardized view on life, met out with our educational system, shows how society has failed to produce the mass brilliance of a prodigious youth, but instead has floundered by creating mild numbingly boring schools filled with procedure, role play and polarity.

Polarity is created by the sheer isolating factors that separate the favoured pupils who get all the attention and the children who struggle both academically and socially for help and attention. Schools these days are filled with pupils who come not to learn but to disrupt the actual learning process, a certain form of subterfuge and sabotage is deployed by the more cunning and conniving of pupils, as the teachers are often the targets for abuse, because they procure no methods of discipline and yet equally neither they nor the rigidity of the school curriculum actually allow for individual talent, intellect and logic to develop through enthusing and encouraging others to learn a certain form of self discipline. These cattle carts of our youth are producing the most ill educated of all generations yet. 

This generation thinks of life as Caligula did for pleasure, this generation lack the abstract mind for thought and experience, for this generation has had everything passed on, in a sum of equity by their forebears and have lived off the privileges of their capitalistic and democratic societies, therefore they exploit the benefits and freedoms with wanton excess.

Since the schools have failed many children  –especially the genetic minorities- with their mass made curriculum-a state functioning product of a single mind for a single people- the question and the source of my theory of education lie not in the scholastic and academic traditions, but in the actual learning process, the body of learning, knowledge and the accumulation of facts and information that are and always will be the education itself. 

The very sense behind a word is the reality of the word itself, the sense confers the meaning and not the word, and what I state is that we can attend the most prestigious universities, live a lavish life of luxury and wealth and can reap the bounties of a social ladder that many spend their lives trying to climb, but on the whole it does make us wise in the least. Our education lies in our practicality of living, our knowledge of the innermost workings of the world –both in a psychological standpoint and in a material standpoint- and how we must yearn and yield to them. This world confers responsibilities that don’t go away –for if they are ignored they bring damnation for the fool that fails to take notice of them- we should affirm ourselves to the building blocks of the natural world and by doing this we set our choices forward, we educate ourselves and we become the product of our choices. All those suffering from mental illnesses, those on the Autistic Spectrum most take heed that their life’s journey is not one and the same –for no life is the same ab infinitum- as it is a highly charged existence that bears a lot of burdens, hardships, a crippling sense of social alienation and yet a colourful life of creativity, a refreshingly unique and innovative existence, so vastly in tempo with its own standard and yet out of tempo with the common perspective. Although our lives may seem like a burden, there will be a time when it is a blessing equally as much so and when it is our confirmation of the education we have bore and bear, the life we have lived and all the experiences that have come and gone have bore the tapestry of our psychic predispositions, and we will take home within our hearts something different each time we reflect and we shall learn, that is how and why we live, words do not give just justice to the spontaneity that compels us to live.  



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