Tuesday 8 July 2014

House of Cards--Copyright Robert Fullarton 2014

House of Cards
-Copyright Robert Fullarton
Taken from Seasons in the waiting game 2014

Oh cynicism!
you see nothing as sacred
and call the sacred nothing

You build your house of cards
upon your beloved constitutions
but believe such legal spaghetti
to be mere vanity in the face of emptiness

The correctness is incorrect
the straight is crooked
if you havent worn your lenses
in a long dusty lifetime
you wont see the light
the heart lets glow
when love is given ground to grow

Why hold the entire firmament
on a pins loose fitting
the elbows and the knees
bow low
but the brain
wont listen
to what the heart comes begging for
why do you see the sacred as nothing?
and call nothing sacred... turn for turn
tit for tat

The heart feels with a gale
over mere words
and mere words again
numbers technicalities
and mere geometry
dont let love go cold
like a dinner
left to spoil
in the afternoon of a once happy existence

Every manufactuerer worked
to make a mountain
of apparences and a stream of pleasures
but their hearts soon turned
against the images their hands
and minds had so long craved to build
the meaning had been left out
and the heart grew hungry
and the mind knew nothing
as all the nations went to war
going up and down the scales
of time and space
and never knew why
because there hearts were starving
the meaning
the meaning ...the meaning
of why
and what
of where and when
forget your scaffolds of pomp
and robustness
the heart has more answers
than..the sterile brain
left without the food of mercy....
the food of meaning!



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