Sunday 12 October 2014

Extract...from The Aerodome Copyright Robert Fullarton 2013

Extract...from The Aerodome
Copyright Robert Fullarton 2013

No men suffered hangovers in the new world- for they were not permitted in the face of individual duty- no drugs were pushed, the arts had been slowly eradicated –removed emphatically from the cultural agenda of the Aerodome- and who honestly wanted to listen to the scores of Beethoven? Who honestly wanted to see a painting by Degas? Who wanted to read the sonnets of Shakespeare? All these little bits of tattered paper, all these paintings that once hung on the high fancy walls of a Parisian art museum or these notes that once were played to avid ears, all these papers had been cremated within the ruined walls of a city that lay demolished seven times over. All the grand pianos had been smashed, piece-by-piece, destroyed in time, no ears heard these long extinct embraces, these celebrations of melody and romanticism, the relevance had gone, the pianos only played in the dying memories of a few old men in the Aerodome and they too did not invoke the past, for fear of breaching the Civil codes. Likewise Shakespeare’s words had burned with the old world and were lost in memory too, that faded like water strewn paper to the tide.

But man’s consciousness can often unearth the past through discovery and sometimes they crave to know and seek. Such instances and incentives can permit rediscovery of a lost thought or word by a genius of the past. The natural world permits knowledge but the emotions are veiled by robotics of a sterile humanity!



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