Sunday, 27 March 2016

A prose piece on Love and faith. -by Robert Fullarton copyright 2016

A prose piece on Love and faith.
-by Robert Fullarton copyright 2016

Too many seek sanctuary in the political game, but still men die, without reason and cause, they think they know why they live and why they have died. With pride they pronounce their disdain over those who believe in the creator and his wonders within the creation. If all men live by is in sight of what they see, then how vain, how fickle is the whole facade and game they play and because men have written off the depths of the unseen and the miracles of the creator and they deem life to be doomed, they deem creation to be a decomposing rot, they proudly censor those who croak to speak in defence of the creator. The modern world is a denial of the ancient search of men, a defiance of the eternal and a life composed of utilities, comforts, pretensions and proud actions. Some men wake from their sleep and see the crisis, a life without meaning, a life without powerful assurance of and unity in love. The power of the Nazarene himself endures beyond frame of time, space and even death, yes his adherents have smiled at the face of their executioners, their love is radical, it is out of this world, it is more than the facade of the modern world, more than the instruments of man’s weak conquest of the creation, this love is brighter than day, it has the light of the creator within its emboldened spark. If only we believed in truth, and in the order of God, what then could we question? That love goes beyond slander, love goes beyond the armies of the world, and love goes beyond the commonplace lies that have spread like wildfire and caused the misdemeanours of humanity to spread out into the folds of the continents. One must have a new heart, and turn from the ways and causes of men, not to be extinguished by the failings of men. Man will not share his bread with his brother, but if man could be taught to think anew, and had a new nature, what then, could we be recycled and could the creation be redeemed. We Christians believe so, and how bright is this hope and promise in the encroaching darkness that is natural in the lives of men, in the entropy of the universe, we hold to the example of love the Nazarene displayed for us upon his pyre, cross and mound of pain. Truth is truth despite the accusations, it does not change in time, it does not depend upon popularity, mere vogue and human force, but is a principle ingrained in life, primordial and yet eternal, it defeats the gates of hell and the tides of every ocean that come against in all in due course.


Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Reign of Love -by Robert Fullarton copyright 2016

The Reign of Love
-by Robert Fullarton
copyright 2016

Heaven came today
Looking out a summer’s window
The light penetrated soul
And pierced my eyes
From the final leave of winter

The reign of love
Is heavens’ hold upon me

Call me crazy
But heaven came today
My days are a dreamy haze
The night it plays like a pleasant fever

The reign of love
Is heavens’s hold upon me

Heaven blossomed and I was unaware
From the terminus of the winter
To the new and the unexplored country
God’s Love is great and it takes us to the stars
And the human flower grows mighty
An iron bough, deeply rooted and sublime
will triumph, men from the rags of the dregs of the gutter
to the jewel of perfection
For the kings of the earth that pass and behold
In wonder

The reign of love

Is heavens’s hold upon me
