Friday 3 March 2017

The Political wilderness- -by Robert Fullarton copyright 2017

The Political wilderness-
-by Robert Fullarton
copyright 2017

There has been an ongoing biased censorship of media, by the mainstream right across the western world. Those who are not ideologically acquiescent with the mainstream media- or the modern espirit de corps- of the modern western world, are silenced, censored, blocked, and of course persecuted, through thought manipulation. I had never known it before, how far our society in certain sectors, has started to fulfill the fictional world of George Orwell's Eurasia in 1984, with a certain thinkspeak, with a demonisation, manipulation of thought, image, word and idea.
I love the use of words, press coverage and story telling but my do I feel great disdain and disturbance with what I have seen over the recent years, with the media's biased and unfair analysis on news reporting, on failing to cover (deliberately done) stories that show up or counter the ideology of the media. The media today is too powerful, its become a machine well funded by the lucrative wheels of industry, of big businesses, (whether it be George Soros, Buffet Freud, Denis O'Brien or Rupert Murdoch) and a garrulous mouth to shout down the last voices of free-speech.
I believe that there are many elephants in the room, ignored willfully and recklessly by a lunatic belief in utopian marxist politique. Much damage has been done already, with the cultures, traditions, morals and security of western Europe in jeopardy, facing a threat on many fronts, with disunity and sheer dishonesty in the purveyors of information. It has truly become a war for the honest truth in all matters though a bed of ideological insincerities.
The common ideal that all can live together, regardless of differences has been tried and tested and is continually seen to be the hash piped utopian dream that does not live up to reality. In Germany and Sweden with the rising tide and numbers of sexual assaults and sheer displays of raw anarchy, the common man and woman needs to question and revive their civil powers, responsibilities and rights. The women of Germany and Sweden deserve too to be protected and not suffer the civil disturbances one might encounter in a third world backwater. But more correctly why has this not been prevented and why cant this be stopped with thorough prosecution of the law!

 I wrote this in response to how the sexual assaults in sweden, Germany and Denmark were not given proper media coverage so as not to upset the status quo and the presumptions of those who have the deepest pockets and those who shout the loudest.



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