Saturday 2 August 2014

Dreamer's Odyssey Part 1- Copyright Robert Fullarton 2008

                             taken from the book---Our Lives as Fiction
©Robert Fullarton 2013




Dreamer’s Odyssey


It was now the third night in the space of a week, where I found myself plunged headlong into those dreams, those dreams where I walked down memory lane itself, and I reminisced of my years gone by, my childhood taken from me with the death of my parents, an untimely death indeed, killed in a plane crash along with two hundred other passengers in 1988. The past is replaced with this unfulfilling shadow of a life and the present is irrevocable, its replaced my childhood with this adulthood and this responsibility. How with all my heart and soul I long to tell those whom I wish to see that I love them dearly.
                                  I remember father and his old ways accustomed to his upbringing. I remember the way he would tilt his cap when greeting neighbours walking down those country lanes in the backdrop of the valley where the cows and all the sheep lay in pasture upon the emerald fields and when the sun shone it lit up the entire surrounding valleys, unravelling the light upon the pasture, that to me was heaven. I remember Gran and how she would come round each Tuesday, bringing swift her kindness and her effortless grace that lay in the magnitude of her heart, her grace was seen in its clarity as love itself, for her grandson. I wish the ugly unconquerable walls of death, time and space could be vanquished from the power of my human dreams, and the hopes and intentions lay so strong within them, only this in my opinion could make me feel invincible in this world. As if it were yesterday I remember when mother would cook roast beef, and she always left it to settle on the kitchen table, and steam rose high when the gravy was poured on top and I would always feel so excited over mothers cooking that it felt as if an unseen swarm of butterflies fluttered to and fro within my stomach.
                                                                              Yes my dreams were symbolic of a place I felt I belonged, somewhere beyond death and beyond a mere dream itself. But as I lay in the bed with my eyes fixed upon the attic roof I tried not to imagined, for indeed how could I leap across a gulf so wide that represented something unimaginable. If my cloth in life was once as white as the light of dawn it was now stained with the marks of the mistakes I have made.
                                                                                 I looked around, as I lay in my small wooden bunk bed, I pulled the duvet tightly to me chest and drew the bed covers around my pyjama top and propped my pillow behind my head, comfortably, to try and drift off into the land of nod. The attic room was dark; almost pitch dark except for the light under the bedroom door, which was illuminated from the hallway behind it. The curtains were drawn and the blind pulled down, so little light penetrated through the circumference of the attic room itself.
                                                                             My thoughts were becoming a rant of hyperbolic and convoluted madness, and a statement of my worrying and acute anxiety. “What, to face tomorrow morning at the office”? I thought to myself, “would I be fired for having being absent much these passed few weeks”?, I felt uncontrollably that I climbed a ladder of thought, that I did not want to climb. I sat up and promptly sipped the cold water from my glass perched upon the window sill, and upon returning it to hence it came, I left a gap of light through the curtains behind.
I felt perturbed and disturbed upon my rare insomnia this awful night.
                                                                                                              So I controlled my thought, censoring the negative and developing the positive and I muttered “no”, out loud to ease my worry and try and drift off to sleep. “Tomorrow’s troubles can wait for tonights are enough”, I reassured myself and closed my eyes in my anticipation to fall asleep. I lay like a statute with nothing but the feeling of comfort to my soul, in my warm and cosy single bed. Tiredness had hit my body like a bullet, and I began to relax in comfort and calmness as I yawned aloud and lay silent.
                                                                        Suddenly my eyes began to notice something ominous and something peculiar, something exhilarating and mysterious, there at the wooden bedroom door, to which I face in my single bed, I witnessed beams of golden light gather through the gap in the door and rush back and forth flickering to my unbelieving eyes, the light deviated straight through the hall light. Suddenly it vanished for a moment, and then in reappearance a flash of white drew out beyond the door. My curious nature was expanding when I watched the white beam glowing in its living aura. Not only had I sat up to watch this spectacle, but I had loosened my feet from the belly of the covers on to the carpet below. I was felt drawn to the door and I walked towards it, and as I did so, my emotions and senses felt alive more than ever, like a waterfall cascading of all my hopeful mirth. I placed a pair of black cotton socks upon my feet and ventured forth to the door.
I felt as though a tonne of worry and woe was lifted off my troubled mind. The senses within me now buzzed and rushed in a vitality and depth of living beyond my normal measures and capacity. Suddenly, out of nowhere the light flickered as I faced the door. Then I turned the handle slowly and opened the door.

Suddenly an almighty flash occurred before me, and a spontaneous explosion drew around me. I was startled at first and my eyes were sore, well I felt strangely delirious for a second but it passed on shortly afterwards. Then I beheld the world beyond the attic door, it was so bizarre but yet incredible and magnificent. The uncomfortable feeling in my senses drifted off. I looked out upon a surrounding world on the left for me to view lay a horizon filled with rolling jasper coloured hills and green emerald mountains above and the mountains folded neatly above a plateau of forests that lay painted with an orange rainbow through its leaves. They looked like oak, except they seemed symbolic of something to me. On the right hand side of the horizon lay beyond, streams and meanders and levees of crystal coloured water leaking forth as the capillaries from the forest heart from where they bore their life so pure. There were creatures flying high in the forest tree tops, birds to be precise and the colours of their plumage were dazzling to the naked eye, they called with a haunting choir of melody that played entrapment to my hearts deepest emotion. To the left again positioned behind the mountain valleys lay a giant white lighthouse that lit up the entire breath of this enchanted world, as far as my mortal eye could behold left and right. “Surely I am dreaming, or I am dead!” I spoke aloud. Yet I felt more alive than usual, and it dawned on me where I lay, but what this place was I had not a tenth of understanding to make a hazardous guess. It appeared as though I had created another realm within my sub conscious state.
I felt like I was floating on top of a wave cascading and eroding away at my unhappiness, and those were choppy like the Indian ocean were it divulges with the Atlantic at the Cape of Good Hope. I was standing on the edge of a white door, well whit it appeared on the outside, on the other side of human consciousness. It was an amazing leap, I felt like Columbus or Magellan upon their untouched and unknown discoveries. “Well”, I said aloud, “no more time wasting, its time to explore upon what lives and endures in such a place and what intelligible life dwells in its surroundings.”
As I ventured forth I walked along a mountainous ridge on a purple mountain, ant there appeared to be a blanked covering the ground around it. When I reached out to touch it and hold it in my arms, it dissolved immediately, and it evaporated unto the air where it rose like steam. “How strange”, I thought, “the natural world here defies that of our reality on earth, the physical nature of things is somewhat different”. When I strolled further down the mountain tops I curtailed through a small woodland with ivory coloured trees and bushes that bloomed and blossomed as I walked on past them.
                                                                                                                                My eye beheld on the right hand side of the horizon past the enchanted forest, a fierce and ugly and morbid black, bricked tower, surrounded in its perimeter with an oval shaped moat that slightly twisted around it, and as I walked forward my emotions began to fluctuate and flare out of control. This was a huge tower with a large wooden draw bridge at the mouth of its entrance and the building it’s stood firmly in its stance impervious to the ways in which I tried to stop pondering about it. It left confounded in an uncomfortable feeling and so I ran quickly in my departure down into the enchanted forest through a little labyrinth with column after column of hedges at my rear and at my side on every corner.
                                                        In this world instead of stars in the sky, the eyes were met with a range of mountain upon mountain, in the distance above the ground itself. On the extreme left in amazement there were a million scattered lights of crimson red that flashed and blinked perpetually on and off, as if timed to do something by some incredulous unseen invisible power. Ahead of me my gaze drew upon a township, not far from where I stood, so I walked through the tapestry of the forest foliage and the path it led me to, drew me upon the breath of the township itself..


I strode slowly and cautiously through the town streets. The town was a living resemblance of somewhere in old Bavaria; it was quaint, romantic and medieval, quite and magical in its visage. The streets were cobbled, and they shone like glitter whenever I walked on the tiny stones themselves, and the roof’s on each house was made of thatch and wood with brick and mortar for the foundation. As I casually strode forward my comfortable, calm and collected feelings return in grandeur. There were bungalows on either side of the main street crowned with ceramic tiles upon their heads. I crossed over a small hump back bridge and their I gazed upon the locals themselves, there were dwarves walking about carrying tools and barrows full of coal and iron and materials working hard but filled serene happiness and their were men dressed in coats of arms clothed in chain mail, knights and maidens that accompanied them strolling through the streets beside a large limestone mad fountain at their adjacent in the epicentre of the town itself. There are knights and barons, nobles and squires and some chanted hymns as they trotted along. The dwarves appeared to be wearing suede jacks with each to his’ own colour. The colours represented the title, job and befitting purpose to which each one lived to fulfil.
                                                                                    “Hey wait, how did I receive such an informative thought as that, when I am oblivious to this mad world in general”, I thought to myself. Then as if I was prodded in the back, I turned around and faced to face a very tall and slender man, about 6ft4 to be precise, he was a large chocolate brown woollen coat, and underneath their were layers of cotton shirts, it was like as though he were freezing cold and needed extra clothes to warm himself up. His age I made estimate from his slightly dishevelled looks, around fifty years of age. Firmly positioned in his mouth there lay a wooden pipe and a tall and curvy pointed top hat lay perched on his head. He puffed quietly with the smoke rising over his prickly black beard. “Well, aren’t you going to say something, has the cat got you’re tongue, or has you’re curiosity satisfied you so much that you simply cannot speak at all.” “Who are you sir? And where am I?” I said in hope of finding an answer, with my mind slowly melting like Swiss cheese being left out in the sun.
“That is the mind boggling question that fools around in you’re head, follow me for I know everything, its my purpose to know everything.”
I certainly did not feel very reassured from his mere statements.
“but don’t worry, you were expected to be here earlier, however there is someone you must meet, over there in the small white castle on the hill overlooking the town.”
He pointed up and there stood a glorious white caste that towered over the town itself.
We approached the limestone fountain, and it had four limestone carved figures of a boy with a shovel and a satchel where the water continually poured out into the basin of the fountain below.
                                 “That water will be used for the townspeople to drink from and to cultivate the surrounding farms they keep beyond the back of the hills where the castle stands,” he spoke as my friendly and helpful guide, but to what I still did not know. “You’re going to meet the governess herself, she is the fair and just ruler of this land and guardian protector too, she shall give answer to you’re much sought questions. She is however not our supreme Lord for she is a messenger for a world beyond the pale of our understanding and foresight, only few can find that Lord.
He led up a path that took me across a spiral of forest canopies overhead, and then onto a clear plain and up through a hill, there we stopped outside the entrance of the castle. He opened the door with a key he flushed from his coat pocket, then he gave me commands, “I will meet back at the fountain when you are ready, go ahead, and meet her, don’t be reluctant anymore.” “How am I supposed to feel comfortable with this”, I answered back to him, but when I had turned around he disappeared from my sight. I decided to walk ahead in through the castle. The interior on the inside of the castle was brilliant, as I extended down the long and narrow corridor the ceiling extended up and up, it was a masterpiece of masonry, for it was in resemblance to the starry sky itself and the tiles underneath in the corridor were like a chess board to which I unknowingly played. On the wall their hung murals and portraits of men and women and scenes depicting medieval art and culture. I walked up a set of three winding staircases and then suddenly the corridor was cut to a halt, and I was faced with a door ominously in front of me. I turned the handle on the door and walked nervously forward in through the door. I peered forward and there lay a balcony with a view out onto the castle gardens and an aerial view of the township and its surroundings. There was a mesmerising courtyard their tiled and ideally suited something King Louis 14th had at Versailles. The veranda extended on past my sight for metres down at the edge of all the castle rooms. I sat down in comfort on a wooden chair and waited to see what would happen next. Then as I strained to see, I watched a dazzlingly white being drawing closer to me, its white gown touched the marble ground as it walked pace for pace. Then it stood face to face with my quizzical nature, it was a woman, she looked young and mysterious, but this must be her.
“Hello Matthew”, she called out to me in greeting. “I’ve been waiting for you for over fifteen years and now fate had drawn us together once again.” “Who are you?” I cried to her, but she did not respond, but rather ignored my question. Then momentarily, the scales of doubt and my sceptical questioning fell from off my understanding and then as if the past had miraculously been reborn again, I realised who she was, she was my Grandmother, except younger and beyond and in a magnificent way I have never seen her before.

“Gran, it’s you, I can’t believe it”, I spoke out with a tone of warmth feeling seeping through my doubt as I caressed her with an open hug. “You’re young again Gran and you look wonderful, happier than I could ever imagine, I failed to recognise you at first sight but then I realised eventually.” She smiled in response to everything I said,
“I have been transformed upon how I lived my life on Earth in you’re conscious material world, and if I am beautiful as you state, it is only found truly within the human merit of moral goodness and the wholesome hope in faith.”
“Gran, this place is amazing!” “But where exactly am I?
Am I dead?”
“No”, she laughed in response, with her laughter echoing so positively within my nervous state. “You are not dead, far from it, you are dreaming and almost all the things you perceive around you in this world are orchestrated from you’re subconscious thinking, and each has a symbolic meaning to both this world and to you’re existence and being in totality. For example the man who sent you here,”
“oh the one with the pipe and all the eccentric hat and brown woollen coat,” I said in interruption, she simply laughed in response “yes that’s him alright, he is the symbol of learned wisdom and education, and he had a direct link to you’re past and you’re conscious once upon a time.”
“He looks like my old primary school headmaster Mr. Holden, who also taught me English and he always smoked a pipe while I attended that school. I got on very well with him, he genuinely loved children and had the patience and goodwill to educate the children who misbehaved and gave us all a chance to progress.”
“That’s him, now you are starting to get the idea of things I hope, its kind of like a game in its own way, and you must salvage from you’re subconscious the reason why you’re here and the battle that you face ahead.”
“Well I always found him to be wise but never a living embodiment of wisdom itself,
However he’s not the symbol of a good and proper taste in fashion”, I sneered in response, “neither would you, in you’re poke doted blue pyjamas.”
“I forgot I was still wearing these things. By the way you mentioned that I would be fighting a battle, what battle is this you speak of?”
“Let me speak first of all on important issues I must discuss then I will inform you of you’re mission at large.
                                   “You have shaped this world from you’re sub conscious thinking and it derives from these symbolic dreams, but in essence the sub conscious state deploys the deepest, untouched emotion and thought from the fully conscious world we begin our life in. But indeed memory is the window onto the state of mind itself, and it as you will discovery has played a part in the shaping of the good and the bad sensations and emotions you encountered.”
“Gran, what does the lighthouse represent? what function does it serve.?”
“The lighthouse is called Sol, for it is the sun of our world that drowns the darkness with its ever emanating radiance. It represents you’re understanding, insight and the five human perceptions of the conscious world. When you’re understanding begins to leave you, and doubt and fear and all the negative forces take you, the light of the lighthouse will diminish, and when you feel strong, confident and reassured completely in you’re senses then the light will prosper and increase.”
“Gran, what are all those crimson coloured lights that perpetually flicker on and off in the sky?” “Do they ever stop for just a minute?”
She responded post haste to my remark, “Absolutely not!
They represent you’re directive and creative thinking, they are symbolic truly of you’re mind frame and the thoughts that are directed from you’re sole onto you’re mind and are the makeup of you’re persona.”
“You learn something everyday don’t you?” I remarked to her in jest
“That’s true certainly in you’re case. You must leave soon and go back to the township; there you will receive further instruction on what you must do.”
“Why must I complete this mission when I have not a farthing of a clue to what I am about to face”, my words were truly the downcast of fear and anticipation I felt all at once.
“Put you’re faith and trust in me, because I know what you want and I can help you, I can make the impossible possible, now stop you’re questioning and listen,” she spoke rather sternly but still with a hint of warmth to her words.
“You’re objective goal is to get through the door of that castle, see”, she pointed her finger up to a marble castle on the third level of the mountain ranges that were bizarrely perched upon the clouds, that I could faintly see. “Through its door lies the path of all beings and the ultimate test, you will require a golden diamond shaped key to unlock its mighty front door. The key is sacred to someone wicked and villainous and the enemy of courage himself, he is the lord of all wicked things in this land and usurper to you happy and peaceful dominion over this land.”
“Is he the devil himself?”
“No, but his viceroy and the instigator of human error, and a growing shadow over this land.” I tried to imagine and to think on what she meant, then it occurred to me exactly on what she spoke about. “He lives in the dark black bricked tower, the tower that projects a man with every ounce of dread and horror, I spotted the disgusting tower on my arrival, it’s to the east of the mountains and through the enchanted forest that borders its surrounding moat.
                                                   We both sat up and looked out on the veranda for a moment of stillness and silence on the brilliant view of the town to our immediate sight. She patted me on the back to calm my nerves and she smiled and spoke
“You will have to face you’re adversary, to uncover the key in his council room at the top of the tower.” She then immediately changed the topic and her mood swiftly took root in her happiness. “The mountains on which the castle stands above represents the different levels of human desire and they are high indeed to show how far we all must reach to find our hope.”
                    “Now go and meet Holden at the fountain, in the town centre, there as I have already said, he will tell you everything concerning you’re quest. I will walk with you.” We proceeded from the veranda down the side; through a series of steps that took us out onto the courtyard, through its exotic looking gardens and out onto the cobbled side streets of the township. I spotted Holden sitting on the edge of the fountain and stopped parallel to where he sat. He drew his gaze in our direction and smiled and saluted us with a wave from his right arm.
“Good day to both of you”,
“good day sir, or should I call you, Mr. Holden?”
“Call me Edward”, he sniggered while plumes of smoke emanated from his mouth continually. “You can’t be an embodiment of wisdom, only fool smokes a pipe, don’t you know it causes cancer.”
“What”, he sharply remarked, “cancer doesn’t exist here, in fact I’m only a figment of you’re symbolic subconscious thinking, and invented from you’re insane imagination, now will you stop harking on about cancer for goodness sake!”
“, any way I like smoking my pipe so I am going to do it regardless of you’re opinion.”
I just gave a hefty laugh in my response.
                                                              All around us the townspeople moved to and fro continuing in their customary ways, still chanting and humming hymns as they moved around. “These are all the characters of you’re thinking, you’ve invented them”, “has it anything to do with my obsession with knights and castles and fairy tales when I was a child? to the years where my imagination towered that of my reality around me”. “Yes it is stems from you’re constructive and creative ability to combine memory and subconscious symbolic meaning.”
“I will talk with you later; I have important work to get done somewhere else.”
“Gran, are you the supreme ruler of these lands?”
“certainly not, I am a simple messenger sent from a world beyond the pale of you’re incomplete understanding, the highest being of all, in the realm where all creative thought becomes a soul within a creative being onto the conscious world.”
                                                                                                                  “Gran, I can simply and sincerely say I am not looking forward to going in to that tower whatever lies in store.”
“When you discover the power of the weapon you possess and the nature of the battle fought, them all you’re fretting and you’re worry will dissolve. You’re weapon is far more powerful than his, remember that. I wish you luck on you’re conquest Matthew.” She said goodbye, and before I knew it she had left my sight and disappeared out onto the unknown.

“Call me Edward”, he sniggered while plumes of smoke emanated from his mouth and nostrils continually as he spoke. “You can’t be an embodiment of wisdom, only a fool smokes a pipe, don’t you know it causes cancer?”
“What?” he sharply remarked, “cancer doesn’t exist here, in fact I’m only a figment of you’re symbolic subconscious thinking and invented from you’re insane imagination, so will you stop barking on about cancer for goodness sake!”
I just gave a hefty laugh in response to his rant on cancer.
                                                                                    All around me the townspeople moved up and down in customary ways, still chanting and humming to hymn as they went by. “These are all characters from you’re thinking you’ve invented them.”
“Have they derived from my old obsession in childhood for knights and castles and fairy tales? When my imagination towered that of my responsibility.”
“Yes it stems from you’re constructive and creative ability to combine memory and subconscious symbolic meaning.
I must depart you now, for I have work to do, in a realm far from a mere dream itself.”
“Gran, are the supreme ruler of this world?”
“Certainly not! I am you’re messenger and protector as well as you’re grandmother, I have come from a place beyond the pale of you’re understanding, the highest being of all magnanimous to all creation.”
                                            I sat on the edge of the fountain beside her and beside Mr. Holden, and then I expressed my unhappiness on what I was ordered to do. “Gran, I can sincerely say I am not looking forward to going in through that tower whatever lies in store for me,” she was then quick to reassure me,
“when you discover the power of the weapon you possess and the nature of the battle being fought, then all you’re worry will dissolve and you’re fretting cease completely.
You’re weapon is far more powerful than his, remember that.
I wish you all the hope there is on you’re quest Matthew, I will return soon enough.”
She waved goodbye and I waved in response slightly annoyed with her departure. Before I knew it, she had gone out of sight and beyond my living dreams.


I sat for awhile on the edge of the fountain, shaking off the dust of my memories with Gran and everything she had instructed me to do. Holden approached me with a brown satchel of equipment, which included body armor, chain mail, a fine sword infused from copper and tin and an a large metallic anchor with a woven chain hanging out beneath it.
He threw the satchel down onto the floor and sat down beside me.
“Matthew, I’m going to give you instructions on what must be done. The armor is central you will wear will help reduce the uncomfortable and dreaded weapon he uses, remember you’re fortitude and courage is central to overcoming him, when you are within striking distance, drive it straight into his heart, he will not seem invincible anymore once you understand what you’re facing and find courage.”
He handed me the sword wrapped in linen and the satchel and its contents.
“Here put this armor on over in the stable around the corner”.
                                                                                                He led me off to the stable and handed me the coat of arms, it was exactly where he said it was, literally just around the left hand corner from the fountain. I spent a few minutes struggling in tomfoolery squirming to get the coat of armor on me. When I finally had the armor on me, he gave me further advice and instructed me to use the anchor as a means for the moment on climbing to the top window ledge. “Matthew, when you break the glass on the window ledge there in the very room hidden somewhere in his council room lies the golden chest inside he holds unjustly the key to you’re hope and happiness, when you have it proceed back to the town land and I will meet you. Before you leave I will tell you a riddle and in its meaning lies the answer to you’re question concerning the villain you face.”
“Tell me Edward, please!”
“Alright then, what is said to the adversary of fortitude and the only thing truly to be afraid of?”
I thought and thought, very hard on the riddle but my mind drew blanks continually so I gave up, I became perplexed and it seemed almost in a strange way to be like and omen of defeat.
             When I was ready to set forth I set goodbye to Holden and walked for half an hour through the winding pathways of the enchanted forest, and I watched the trees sway with the force of the graceful wind which left a sweetly perfumed scent from the cherry blossoms and the fields of lavender that grew on either side past the forest and behind it.


When I approached the oval green slightly twisted moat, I was hit with a pain full feeling that stretched from my bowels to my forehead and my loins nearly gave way with such pain. I said to myself “how can a tower on its own, cause all this?”
The menacing tower with its black basalt brickwork and its huge ugly windows posed dangerous to me. I crossed the moat leaping as fast as a bullet over its trench, then I was happy relieved to see the drawbridge down, so I ran across it and emptied the satchel and for a moment of strength I flung the anchor with the rope at the side of the tower, like a lasso and it clung on solidly and tightly to the edge of the roof. I took a massive gamble and I decided to climb to the top. Upwards I went trying to hold my body weight, I could feel the anchor in support slightly moving now and that was not a good sign by any means. Then I faced the top window and I swung back with all my strength and went crashing forward through the stained glass window, it shattered into a million pieces that exploded back onto the floor. Once I was in the room the anchor fell down off the roof behind me and I reached out my hand and caught in a sheer miracle of fortune the satchel,
which almost plummeted down behind it. However my fortune didn’t seem so good, for I was pitted with a terrible feeling that crippled my courage. I looked around the horrible black room it was empty covered with black wooden flooring but nothing was found there to fill it. I noticed a small hidden staircase at the rear of the room, I went up through the black metallic spiraling stair case onto the roof of the building or attic to be precise and then I was faced with a small black wooden door, slowly and reluctantly I opened it and the door creaked leaving me with a shuddering feeling.
“Shall I go on, or shall I return?”
, I asked myself in a desperate decision, “no!”
I said aloud to myself and then I walked through the door and saw it in all its frightful horror.
“Oh my lord, no it can’t be” I said aloud in disbelief to what I saw.
He stood there staring directly into the whites of my eyes, his cruel bloodshot eyes were fixed on mine and his face his was disfigured and mutilated with scars going across his right cheek. He stood, at a gigantic proportion of almost seven foot tall with his head almost brushing against the ceiling above with his jet black armor and shield around him. Then he started to laugh hysterically at me nearly to the point of tears, I could see his grotesque yellow teeth that bore out in his horrid laugh. I felt slightly angry but very, very afraid of him, so much that I couldn’t think straight, I reached for my sword but I couldn’t find it, it had vanished completely from the satchel. I panicked as he began to pace forward towards me closing in the gap that separated us coming slowly ever so slowly, like a black whole relentless in its course of action. “ahh” I groaned in pain as I suffered a massive headache and the nauseous feeling within me ate me alive. I decided to flee from him, so I ran back out the door and down the spiral staircase, my armor was heavy and it slowed my pace, but not entirely, for I still drew speed as I embarked upon the front door. His evil laughter echoed through the tower and as I approached the front door without delay I flung my anchor through the wooden front door, knocking off huge chunks of wood as splitters flew out with each whack I gave against it, and to my surprise it left a huge whole in its wooden structure, it was enough for me to crawl through, so I grabbed the anchor and the satchel and ran as fast as I could, in fact I don’t remember ever running as fast as that before.
It dawned on that the grand adversary himself, was Benson a malicious, cold hearted bully who I endured too often in secondary school, except he was at least a foot taller or more, and he looked like a sort of Mr. Hyde character, all blown up in proportion in his ruthless ways.
“No!” I yelled out in agony and looked to see the beams from the lighthouse fade and fade and flicker on and off, I felt so hazy and drowsy and my body weighed a tonne, it was so heavy with the armor on me that I collapsed on the ground, wilting and fading. Everything was dark pitch dark so black that I couldn’t see anything,
“No! no! no!, help somebody help me,” I gibbered out delirious and weak.
                                                            End of Part 1



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