Monday 10 November 2014

The Ant Colony- Copyright Robert Fullarton 2013

Copyright Robert Fullarton 2013....Taken from Our Lives as Fiction

The Ant colony

In the wide unfolding city of ants, a great contingency of ants, march
in their monotonous beat or tempo of progress, that come forward in
single lines, but these lines extend for miles off the beaten track
and extend backwards to the start of the trail that begins at each
entrance to the ant metropolis itself. This is the finest semblance of
civilisation itself, for these ants are a credit to all living
organisms, with their powers of organisation, their capacity to work
and their power of force and numbers and that is where their great
agility, power and abilities in conquest derive from. Their sheer
numbers have amounted to their overwhelming force in this great and
over populated district of the jungle. The fierce red ants themselves
are an exception to the rules here in the jungle, as most creatures
here concern themselves with the dumb base instincts of mating and
territorial disputes, these ants however concern themselves with the
questions of education, healthcare, science, mathematics and
literature written by the finest Antellian scholars, yes indeed these
ants have made themselves into philosophers of the tree top canopy and
they themselves have wondered where indeed all life has come from and
they have concluded that all life emerges from a tree top canopy or
perhaps from the buds, shoots and sprouts of the great towering
castles of the jungle where the giants dwell and the howling monsters
run and jump in their great games of noisy gestation and excitement.
But primarily these ants are warriors, who have rooted out and killed
every other ant from each ant colony within the local districts, these
creatures have an extraordinary ability to think and strategise before
each battle with the neighbouring spider clans of the brush, who were
eradicated last week in another infamous battle in the neighbouring
hinterlands that surround the colony and its conquests.

The colony has grown in recent years from a small relatively short few
of only a couple million, it has rapidly expanded in size, width and
breadth and its populous has grown to the bulging size of 7 billion
inhabitants which is even too much for the colony to house. The
antellian proliferation in both arms and technology has grown these
recent days, and has helped the ants to conquer every disgusting
insect and bug, and even the old primordial enemies like the deadly
mantis have been overcome by the use of the Antellian new found
armoury and weaponry that has built the empire which I speak of.
But since the ant population has trebled in the past fifty years, it
did certainly have a negative effect on the morale, the very cognition
and the freedom of certain ants and some ants have been categorized as
the “lower” brown ants and others have been dubbed the “higher” red
ants of society and this great divide in Antellian society has gone
unnoticed for the past thirty years as the vassals, the subjects and
the servant brown ants have yielded and succumbed to the power and the
control of the minority of red ants that allude and refer their own
names, their carers and fame to assert and exert their power and their
authority onto the slavishly driven backs of the lower masses. Day
after day the brown ant went about his daily business working, living
and dying for the needs of the privileged minority and these typical
protégées of suffering and slavery, had never realised, had never
known, nor thought, nor tasted the idea of freedom from their masters
nor had they ever considered a coup d’etat or a revolution against the
very corrupting influence that had built their chains and categorized
them into being the “lower” ants of society.

Posterity had proven, that no true freedom could exist without a
radical revaluation of all Antellian society and that meant that the
“higher” red ant society had to be defeated and conquered by any means
necessary, so that the very colony itself could be saved from all the
waste that occurred within and throughout the entire area, and I will
explain this all in good time. Over fifty years ago, and this dates
back to the major second ant war, that commenced between two great red
ant warlords for the possession of the great chocolate chip cookie
that once lay completely idle at the furthest boundaries of the
northern gate of the colony and this war was a waste and a colossal
failure for the aspirations of the honest humble ant that wanted to
live, work and dream his life away in a jovial state of freedom, but
unfortunately the cunning and conniving red ants of the colony had
started up the rumour that the cookie had to be fought for and that it
was the pride, the joy and the very thing that every ant needed and of
course the ruling reds stated that they would give a certain portion
of the great bountiful cookie to every ant  but of course not a single
crumb was given and what happened in reality was far from the truth.
No single brown ant was destined for even a half a crumb of cookie,
but the cookie was divided between the warring factions and dividing
sects of the colony and of course given to the ruling red class that
devoured the final remnants of the cookie and grew fatter and fatter
as time wore on.

Out of this frivolous exploit of the working class there came the
numbers and the figures, the facts and the truth that in fact over two
hundred million brown ants had given their lives for nothing, for no
dreams, nor promises and certainly no cookie was given or even offered
to the honest hard working brown ant that toiled through the many
layers and tunnels of each colony district to expand tunnels, collect
food, scout new territories, fight in new found conquests against the
neighbouring aphids and of course pay their respect, their homage,
fealty and loyalty to their overlords and their masters.
Immediately after the great second ant war, there came about an age
old revolution that changed everything, like never before, the old
line of queens that stretched back to the infancy of the colony, back
to the primordial days of black ant times, had been broken and this
was a new found change in ant evolution, for ants had never gone this
far from their own anatomy and nature before, for this was the
topsy-turvey change, the imbalance and the great alteration that was
brought about by the rumours, the gossip and the corrupting lies of
the ruling red classes. A secret council of red ants had decided over
many meetings that the old queen had to go, for her authority had
slipped, and her voice was no longer as strong and powerful as it had
once been throughout every corner of the colony. So of course they
delegated the task of the revolution and general revolt to the poor
abused brown ant masses. The rumours were spread by every ant
reporter, every ant press and paper and even the Antellian rulers and
local oligarchic chieftains stated that the queen herself was guilty
of every crime of war, every seditious act against the general “lower”
ant and that she was guilty of the very murderous sum of casualties
and losses met for the last second great ant war and that her power
was no longer needed, for Ant no longer needed royal authority, for he
was beyond it, he had evolved into being a rational ant, from a grub,
to a black ant, to a brown ant and then unto the glorious red ant
itself. One day when timing was in accord to the tastes of the ruling
red class, the brown ants of the watermelon mines went on strike and
they refused to collect, to work and store any more plunder for the
needs of the queen, her family, the royal council and the nobility
themselves. The sheer number and force of ants the world over was a
colossal statement that the power of the “ordinary” ant great exceeded
and triumphed over the greedy, gluttons and cunning ruling red class
and for a day the typical underprivileged, disenfranchised ant stood
ready to inherit what should have been his, and that was namely the
power to create a real government for the people, a real society for
the people, real institutions for an egalitarian society, with real
proper “brown” ant role models and a proper morally ant like lifestyle
for all ant brothers and sisters to embrace. But unfortunately the
lies flooded every corner and inch of the colony like wildfire from
the powerful mini-printing presses of the red ants –for the red ants
held all the positions of power, media, control and every part of the
Antellian social output, owned and ruled all the food store houses and
they lived in their own ant mansions and boroughs- and the revolution
went too far too quickly, for the great dome of the queen’s mountain
was stormed at the centre of the colony, her educators, advisers,
relatives, nobles and distant relatives were slaughtered as a tide of
ant columns rushed forward in masses from all divulging sides and
boundaries of the colony map and this revolution resulted in the
eventual ritual murder of the queen herself, after her trial had
ceased. After the revolution had ended, when the tired, gasping
efforts of the hungry brown ant had brought him to war and after he
left his bloody weaponry aside, only then did the new rulers emerge,
the very red socialites that urged, enticed and emphasised this great
unnatural rebellion to force.

These men emerged, offered new, great
living conditions and living standards for the ordinary common ant and
these men were nothing near what the hungry brown hearts of the
ordinary ant had bled for, these rulers were red blooded, red skinned,
red ants and they had tricked the brown ants into doing their own
dirty work for them. Of course no real immediate change commenced, but
a void, a natural void grew in the old social order and in the hearts
of the great brown masses who went without the natural order of their
queen and her advisers. The old rule of the queen was over, that
ancient natural dynasty that was reflected in the order of both bee
and wasp species alike had now finally bowed out and completely
floundered in the face of the rise of the “new” reds and now this was
the age of the super-reds and I will get to this in a minute on the
history of Antellian life itself.

Great ant economists, businessmen, traders, inventors, scientists,
industrialists and affluent ants all from well established backgrounds
and establishments came forward to influence both the ruling reds and
the subordinate browns to promote and endorse a new found order, that
helped to drill, to drain and evaporate all the minerals, natural
elements and rich nutrients from every inch of soil and every nook and
cranny of the colony itself. Ants became industrialists for the first
time, and with the new found alchemy of these scientist ants there
emerged the great businesses that thrived and ran on the backs of the
brown worker ants and the great mineral findings from the earth.
Ants developed machines, fashioned, enflamed, developed and
transformed their basic primeval tools and gadgets into complex
machines that went far beyond the minds of their bronze and silver
mixing forefathers. These machines and gadgets were a prized asset to
the appetites of the new growing elite class of reds that grew fatter
and fatter, bigger and broader from all the plant matter, the
watermelon the food and forage they were paid by every ant in exchange
for their devices, machines and gadgets. These ants prospered off the
truly unknown secret of modern times and that was peacetime ant
society and in peacetime ant society, the ordinary ants themselves had
found themselves bored, confused and yet again muddled, controlled and
manipulated by their “rulers” who had profiteered off the earnings and
wages of the brown working class, by selling and promoting a new and
entirely frivolous and stupid way of life, according to their own
wants. Out of this era there came the birth of the super-reds or the
perfect ego’s or the ant role model brigade, as they were collectively
known by all avenues of ant society and by the press of the reds
themselves. These new role models thought that the success, the power,
the status, the life and the wealth of the reds was indeed what all
ants in general should aspire and amount to and that these icons were
the perfect semblance of ant happiness and freedom, and these
super-reds which endorsed, backed and worshipped the products, the
gadgets and the lifestyles of the new elite industrialists,
scientists, businessmen and rulers. These ants were promoted by the
eyes and mouth of the state for the ordinary browns to worship and
aspire to, their images were up to be displayed on the walls of every
ant home, they were promoted in the aerodome brainwashing facilities
that were created as a new “form” of entertainment by the ruling
masses for the “lower” class and of course, these facilities and
centres were believed by the modern, supposedly “super browns” to be
the greatest form of pleasure available to the modern, “civilised”,
rationalised, educated, enlightened ant alive in this apparent antopia
of inventions and accumulation. The reds had as subtle as ever,
seized, or more rightly been given the vast accumulation and control
of the colonies supply of plant matter, food, forage, iron ore,
minerals, the very elements and the very machines, products and
gadgets which the masses all purchased, worked to own and aspired for
and this little ruse of an idea was developed by the ruling class
themselves and this had been developed, forged and stated so that the
browns, apparently could evolve at a more rapid rate, so that they
could become like their idols the super-reds and then the class of
super-reds would expand and the gap or boundary between the starving
underprivileged browns and the ultra rich, mansion owning, self
proclaiming demi-gods of the super-reds society that expanded,
deepened and grew each year and decade that “modern” life exhausted
itself out.


I am the hidden, the secretive and the anonymous ant that writes this
secret, parabolic history of the world, and I write this all, with the
intent to inspire the old flames of inspired individualism, freedom,
hunger for truth and emancipation to the power of the browns, by whose
blood am I born and whose spirit I inhabit and have inherited through
my own blood convictions, spiritual idealism and general capacity to
write. I write on the ideal future, which is a prophecy to the browns
that shall inherit the earth and shall overthrow the reds at the final
battle that will commence, all in due course and at the right time and
place in both history and world affairs, for all that done, learnt,
lost and exposed is done chronologically when all Ant alike can learn
an epic lesson, make the bold and brave jump forward and can
conceptually visualize and realize the truths and the freedoms at our
own general disposal, these irrevocable changes shall come within
every age and every change of Antellian society.
 I write boldly in my secret position on the map and I keep these
notes to myself so that I shall reveal these words and thoughts all in
due time, at the right moment itself.

Anyway, as I was saying in this written account of mine, which is a
valuable lesson to any estranged witness that comes across our
intelligent race of ants in the universe of unintelligent and
seemingly organic insects. The very hope and the very life giving,
life preserving colony that we have belonged to, have been born into
and have been part of since the dawn of time, is coming to ruin
through the exploits and the machines of the ruling reds and the
“super-reds” and this has happened after the constant burning, mining,
digging, and destruction of our own resources throughout our own

There are now holes and cracks within the very outer layers of
our colony and with the way things continue, these formerly secure
walls and layers are beginning to crack and dissolve slowly and at the
rate things are going the rain from the great summer floods will come
and wash us away. This cataclysmic, apocalyptic threat that we face
from the rain, with the distinct possibility for our own extinction as
a species has been brought forth by the ruling class, so that they can
expand their own power in a time of antillian crisis, the ruling class
has often exaggerated certain reports that if the walls collapse any
further, then the giant army of killer moths that lives beyond the
upper outlets of our colony dome, will come rushing forward to eat us
all into extinction. But alas I know this is all a terrible lie
perpetrated, spread and told by the ruling class, who have sold a
fortune on moth repellent bombs, anti-mothellian weaponry and
gadgetry. Similarly the press released a recent report that stated
that the holes made in the colony layers would create a burning solar
flare or spot from the great burning eye and that this heat would heat
the colony itself to such a rapid increase in temperature that the
very colony itself would go up in flames, from the burning surfaces in
the colony.

Of course such hoaxes could be naturally disproved since
we have actually had a great decrease in the general temperature of
the colony and have had no need for the mass produced, mass endorsed
Antillian fire-extinguishers that have been sold in masses on the

It is true to state that we have come too far from our nature, our own
ant like inheritance in life, we have betrayed our creator, our
natural order and our simplistic, but intuitive and explorative way of
life, for a new lust for power, accumulation and control of the
resources and now finally we are told that we have played a part in
the destruction of our own colony! I state that we should stop hunting
out, conquering and killing our neighbouring creatures, we should show
respect and reserve for them and we must work with what we have, stop
conquering and stop exploring new further distant lands and
territories, for our problems lie in the ruling class and has always
been with the ruling class and it will take the working subordinate
browns, to make the change and to overthrow the power of the reds.
How I wish we could think and have the knowledge, the appreciation,
the wisdom for nature, the belief in the extra-ordinary and powers and
abilities of our forefathers of antiquity who once had the ability to
make everything out of wood, stone and simple naturally based tools,
they lived, they thought and worked for freedom, even if they weren’t
as free as they should have been or wanted to be, but at least they
used, conserved, reserved, preserved, stored, naturally produced,
cultivated and recycled all that was given them by their own known
source at the dawning of each dawning day.

Nowadays we have wasted everything, learnt nothing on the conservation
and preservation of things that our once naturally and
agriculturally-industrious forefathers had knowledge of, practised and
lived by way before our own generation had come to pass! We have
become reliant on our gadgets, our precious metals, materials, our
minerals, our possessions, or machines, our precious beloved ant
technology and of course our “beloved” rulers whom we seem to be bound
to no matter what. We have forgotten the art of freethinking for
ourselves and we have only seen ourselves to be a wart or blemish in
the preciously beautiful face of Antillian society, when in fact we do
not belong to nay face of society, but are our own separate face for
our own separate constitution, constellation, antopian life. Live life
as good individuals, in the truth of a good, natural life, don’t
follow or absorb the ideas of false role models and self proclaimed
gods, for there lies a terrible flaw in the life of those that
practice such a life, for makes the corrupt more powerful and leaves
the underprivileged in a worse position that ever before.


I have to conclude that I maybe a single ant in the great collective
energy of the hoard and I am the first of my kind, to see and think
differently than my contemporaries, my peers and rivals, and so it
labels me as an enemy of life itself, perceives me to be odd, deranged
and probably even a disturbed little ant, but what do I care, for any
ant that chooses his destiny, must abide by it, love it, nurture it,
show fidelity towards it and revolve around it, so to drink the high
wisdom and the freedom of the ant firmaments and heavens.

I have concluded on my own at the end of this historical, political
treatise, polemical strike on society, through reasonable resources of
the ant intellect, not through the quantifiable methods of
mathematics, nor contemporary philosophy, the downfall and the
eventual change or eventual revolution or “final revolution” as I call
it, that will defeat and destroy the age old rule of the current
ruling red class and it shall set up and establish the long awaited,
fully misunderstood, newfound powers of the brown ant civilisation,
that shall abide by peace and shall co-exist in unison with all nature
and all life itself, in a spirit of brotherhood support.

One day, perhaps very soon, in our own world we shall see the rise of
more independent, individual ants, whose concern is not solely and
entirely based around the powerful and persuasive means of Antillian
gadgetry and materialism. Some may say that one day soon, perhaps too
soon our fate may be sealed in the destructive force of the insatiable
ant eater that dwells somewhere out there in the far beyond- whom we
have been lucky not to meet so far- and some might state that our fate
as a society might be sealed in the natural, ecological destruction of
the outer layers of our colony dome and such destruction would bring
immanent flooding which might finish us all off. Perhaps, a series of
natural disasters shall culminate and fulminate through time and many
may perish from the exploits, mistakes and wrongs committed by the
rulers of this colony, but I believe that rulers shall seize more and
more of the colonies resources, plant matter, materials, valuable life
sustaining resources for themselves and shall become more despotic,
more daring in their subtle plans for control and certainly more
devious as time passes so that they can fool the masses into giving
them whatever they want. But a battle for survival may come, that will
see the masses turning on their selfish overlords and they will want
their share of food, materials, life, emancipation, freedom and truth,
which they all deserve and it is only a matter of time before the
browns realize that they have been the subjects of a grand and epic
mockery, a jest or trick that has been played against them for too

At a time of great upheaval, the browns will work together in order to
survive as a race against extinction and they will work and team
together, discover their own capabilities, work as naturally like
their forefathers once did, and they will seize and demand the power,
the food and action that they want to save their own colony and their
own dignity and integrity before it is too late. They smash the
machines, destroy the false idols and false role models and they will
topple the old cemented statue of their enemies age old power and they
will rule the colony for themselves, they will think for themselves
and do the impossible, what their forefathers only dreamt of doing.
The browns have the mind to do the seemingly impossible and it is only
a matter of time before they destroy their age-old oppressors, yes, it
is only a matter of time.



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