Sunday 31 May 2015

A message to a Christian woman in a time of need

A message to Christian woman in a time of need

I Myself have gone through everything..been hospitalised twice and have stuggled to work and even wonder whether I can work at all. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and Chronic anxiety. I was struggling to leave the house and go down to the local was that bad. I have been praying for healing for years but I am not going to give up. In the past I wrote books...had a brilliant mind, read much philosophy and could debate and write essays. I also had profound experiences of peace, ecstacy and joy...I myself have studied for years on religious philosophy, apologetics and of course the Bible itself. Remember the reasons why you became a Christian..why you believed or were even attracted to the faith in the first place. Rediscover the grounds and reasons for it taking root..for why it was attractive or immense in your life. I heard one time from a friend that your course of belief in Jesus is like a first we court and there is a sense of romance..a sense of joy..with something new as we leave behind an old life and start to change in ways we cant imagine..there is a honeymoon for the first 1-3 years and then as in my case there is a crisis...and I was hospitalized and nearly lost my mind in a series of tragic situations. It has been a battle to keep the ship afloat...I highly recommend that you go meet regularly with Christian friends/fellowship for guidance..dont keep these fears to yourself..and dont let yourself doubt what you were once certain of and loved once before. Either way we will have to face trials and tribulations...but why not take a step forward..a radical step forward towards the goal and desire that you once deemed impossible. Dont forget that we believers know and believe we are dealing with the supernatural and that processes of faith of those little and grand occurrences...can go beyond the ordinary. I myself had nearly lost my faith.. for years I was angry and in pain...because I was very angry with God...but please consider that these seasons of suffering build character and serving God even throughout the storm..we can rediscover our joy in our determination to keep this love alive. It is a marriage that has to go through the rocky paths of disillusionment to reach the shores of joy. There are states of joy that make the unbeliever look on...but he can only look through the window..he cannot come in until he makes the choice..the cry of faith in the darkest night (and believe me I have had many, many of these over my years and I am only 28!) 
God bless



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