Monday 14 December 2015

SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL - The ruthless media of the modern world and those who oppose it By Robert Fullarton, Copyright 2015

-The ruthless media of the modern world and those who oppose it
By Robert Fullarton, Copyright 2015

I just cant bare to read the papers these days, nor can I bare to watch certain news stations. The facts and realities have dug deep into me, that the media is biased, beyond belief, because it is driven by the pursuance and acceptance of a certain philosophy or way of live. I have seen that certain names and faces remain in both print and on air for the mere support that they give to the belief system of the popular media and such work for the media, for life. Let me be blunt to state the obvious, that those who promote, pursue and adhere to the liberal/secularist values and beliefs of the modern dogma of secularism, are basically permitted and given licence to speak, given speech and credence over the populace. One side of every coin, every situation and argument is roughly given, I see this in the unbelievably politicized media, that with sheer enormous levels of self-righteousness daub and accuse others of evil, why they themselves ironically have pursued doctrines of human rights often against the life of those who are disenfranchised or have no voice of their own. The clichés of the media are tiring to examine, they believe that since the state churches have fallen, that they have replaced them as the voice and conscience of the people. Perhaps there are times when one loves a good crusading journalist in exposing injustice, but the sheer arrogance and universal belief in the media at large and in its assumption that it is the people’s mechanism for revealing corruption in the systems of government and that it is the voice of reason and the standard holder of truth, such is untrue. You can see the changes in western society and you can count the results of such governments, their policies and impositions and you can wonder, why societies have become destabilised and why there is much fragmentation in law, order and identity.

Of course there was a time when the governments of Europe were rigidly conservative, harsh in their sentencing, harsh in their treatment of social minorities and standard of welfare, but there is the extreme in its polar opposite. Have we gone to the polar opposite? Great is the social guilt that has been forged by the media, they have done much to propagate the “sins of the father” myth, that the peoples of today are guilty for the crimes of long deceased forebears for the colonisation, abuse, slavery and control that was exerted over other races and peoples in the name of empire and monarchy. I do believe more honestly that these were the actions of humans (who in every civilization behave likewise and have if one studies one’s history) who were following their human nature to reckless levels of power. Give one tribe power over the other and civil war erupts, when there is an unfair disproportion of power between one and the other you have bloodshed (this is and was the story of the peoples of former Yugoslavia). I am basically stating that human nature has within it the excesses of violence ready to perpetrate given reason or excuse. Such is not isolated to one race, people, ideology or time period, it is universal and found right throughout the human race as a whole.
The result of such a myth of great emphasis on social guilt, came with the liberalisation of Europe and with it the secularisation of its institutional core. I do not believe that a Europe de-spiritualized is something to celebrate, for it is a Europe without meaning, without identity, without true objective moral standards, For where did we get our moral standards? The origin lies in the practicalities and the conscious adherence people have given before to the Judeo-Christian faith, for which whether one likes it or not, the philanthropy of western civilization found root in, to make life more immensely comfortable, with the demarcation of the classes, poverty has been largely tackled, the identity of charity and community, welfare and justice have root in Christian chartists and abolitionists like William Wilberforce who bravely opposed and legislated the abolition of the British slave trade against the huge financial costs that it had apparently brought in. But such was done in the belief behind such moral works. Today’s media is sceptical, critical and legalistic, it has no function save but to opine one belief system and I am afraid that such is one of Marxism, with western benefits. As one person honestly called it “Capitalist Marxism” that it is a colossal hypocrisy, one of pursuing ideological goals for people, with the business class at the top of the sphere, so much is about the appearance of things, and how the rulers of the world, with the media, crusade for justice and yet oppress counter opinion from publication and power. They have forged their dogma of human rights and borrowed inspiration (whether they like to admit it or not!) from the Judeo-Christian religion (which adheres to loving  one’s enemies, to breaking distinction between peoples and for living charitably towards others, and treating the poor with respect and honour) such are only a few examples, but such makes sense and seems obvious to even the crusading journalists. They have however taken on board ideals of Marxism, utilitarian philosophy and the ideas of relativism (propounded by dangerously deluded men like Nietzsche, Freud and Sartre).
The dogma of human rights has replaced the old state church and filled the vacuum of belief, because man’s, beliefs are at the heart of his life, they shape him into who he will become. The difference between good and bad lifestyles have their origin in the belief system of the person and the people (such was even seen on a collective scale with the messianic worship of Hitler as saviour, redeemer and deliverer of the German people) and they can on the long-term create havoc on every level and rung of the social ladder. Consider this, the widespread and well circulated idea that there is no such thing as absolute truth, what will you get in the end, you will find the bottom of the floor ripped open, you will find the severing of all roads, the nonsensical haemorrhage of the mental functions of the whole, acting in full chaos. You will have chaos, operating out in full capacity because man believes that there is no absolute justice, love, life, standards of behaviour, measures of prohibition and identity. What is reality to the world these days? The subjective trends, the fickle fashions and mortal habitations of human behaviour are indulged in because a new belief-system, dogmatic in its core is in circulation.
Nietzsche had declared that metaphysics (the philosophy of religious thought) had died and preached a trans-valuation (or substitution) of moral beliefs and encouraged us to doubt, question and even abandon such beliefs (when he did this he had the Judeo-Christian faith in mind, with a ranting discourse that was foaming with the hatred of a pastor’s son in opposition to his roots, family and tradition) for a new belief system. Today the legalistic framework of the western world, does echo the disturbing promulgations of Nietzsche’s belief system (and it is as non-compos mentis as the teacher himself) and is the enacting of shrewd, loopholes and legislation (that amended previous legislation) to grant greater leniency and yet greater expanse for man to do what he wants without prohibition. The removal of spiritual prohibition and belief (I mean in the Judeo-Christian faith) has been celebrated in, by those who lived under the abusive power of state religion (which is not the same as what Christ preached and taught) who have come out in open rebellion against the often, (but not always) smothering traditions that kept previous societies in a staunchly conservative mind.
However today the Marxist ideologue has influenced the western media to believe in, propagate and pursue doctrines of liberty, rights and supposed freedoms, going further off charter and off the course of the old Judeo-Christian faith which the western societies supposedly adhered to. A sort of Frankenstein of the power-holders has come about, akin to the failed social experiment in Soviet Russia, the utopian ideology that all peoples, creeds and classes can be kept under one banner, whether it be multi-culturalism, liberalism, humanism and social democracy. The legalistic operations are working over time to hush and silence those who oppose such a social experiment and those who quite obviously state that this operation will and has failed. I personally believe that the modern, western ideology is destroying our identity, destroying the law, order, the control and the harmony of these states into a speechless codex of rules, under the pretence of freedom (one is free so long as one agrees, acquiesces and does not speak out against the hypocrisies of governments and the powers of the media who go against public opinion often for the pursuance of their secular-liberal belief system). Of course a convenient slogan is at the ready for those who (even with good intention) speak out against the inconsistencies and appeasement that exists. Today there is an appeasement akin to the western nations, who allowed Hitler to systematically rise in power, ideologue and fanaticism, this went unchecked and was even encouraged, but the libel of the media is so demented that those who speak out against this appeasement, are bullied, shouted down and given feeble excuse. You see our media, wants to push the agenda that all people, no matter what the background, belief and lifestyle can live together under the western dogma of liberalism and rights.
There are today those who would with great passion and with scary levels of deception, desire to destroy the beloved rights of the western world view, remove its liberties, leisure’s and benefits and replace them with sheer medieval despotism. If such an ideology were to conquer the west, then we can expect the dark ages to be akin to a renaissance in comparison with what will come after. This of course is the ideologue I speak of which brandishes the knife and exalts the bomb above the precious nature of life in its whole. If we continue to be a part of a “see no evil”, “hear no evil”, society for the unspoken, frustrated people, who are kept in legalistic limbo, then we will continue to decline, on the national level, but always as individuals we have a conscience, a choice, a heart, a brain, a soul (despite what, they say and I speak as a Christian) to live and believe in opposition to what the powers of the world believe has died. 

The Light dwells even in the darkness and the darkness has yet to overcome it!!



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