Monday 6 March 2017

Beyond the door.... By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2017

Beyond the door....
By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2017

Detached man
-From the people
All disjointed
-From the society ripped apart
From the bindings
Of the fluttering soul
Croaking out
Communities splinter
Into self sought individuals
Self seeking makers
Of the images
of the cardboard cut utopias

Days in cafes babbling
Nights in pubs bleating
to the sore
and sorry soul
knowing not
but wanting to consume
from murky troughs
of eternal waste suspended
from nightly rambles
and daily walks
through the societal mists
of man made complications

A day is like a page
Of life
A life is a fluorescent judgment
In the dark hinterlands
Of the human heart

In a moment a random man
Searches for the luminescent God
From the luminescent heart
From the deeply desiring soul
Awoken from the slumber
A confession of the lips
The harbouring
And grasping
Of the beloved
In the landscapes
Of time and space
And all that lies beyond the door

Desiring to be in his arms
Cradled and grown
Out of the good and healthy soil
To have a good and mighty soul

I have ploughed through these blizzards
These days of know not
And know what
These devices of the world
To the hungry receptive
Minds of the generations

The squeezing of all promises
The testing of all hearts
Comes at the boiling over
Of the nations on the heads
Of the tied and bound scapegoat

They cry for meaning
Like ragged souls in the grimy streets
In the lofty palaces of knowledge
In the giving and taking of alms
In the making of money
And the mounds of pleasure
But live as sleep walkers
Through the pageantry of the night
Each dame and gent partakes
And plays a part
But the act is wearing out
And the game has grown in tedium

In a moment a random man
Searches for the luminescent God
From the luminescent heart
From the deeply desiring soul
Awoken from the slumber
A confession of the lips
The harbouring
And grasping
Of the beloved
In the landscapes
Of time and space
And all that lies beyond the door

A God with hands and feet
Arms stretched outward
Without a sound
For whom to meet
On the ragged road homeward




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