Thursday 27 July 2017

Message made to a critic on youtube

Message made to a critic on youtube.
(I put this up..because I believe it has a very important message in it)

On the subject of the child sacrifices that existed in the phoenician culture and on Carthage

I dont know what your on about..because the Hebrews sacrificed Doves and Rams for Yahweh, never children, nor people, in fact their laws and commandments were severely warning and demanding that parents do not sacrifice their children, neither to moloch or at all, period. We have the second commandment that states thou shalt not kill, and those laws basically entailed that life was sacred and that murder..was a sin, a spiritual crime...that even gave the death penalty, life for life. You seem to have a bone to pick with the Judeo-Christian faith/ tradition. Basically it all boils down to the moral question of a moral universe and what constitutes good and bad Behaviour, what is objectively right and wrong, you seem to be making some very big judgments, but where does your perspective of goodness come from, you seem to indulge in the moral relativism and secularism of this confused age, its just empty opinion on empty footing, without objective truth, because without moral ethics being an intrinsic part of reality and ie being universal and without compromise we have the post-modern critical theory that picks to the carcass of every moral theory, law and foundation, without a healthy substitute or answer, its a mere game of making the believer doubt and look foolish in the face of an agnostic, empty, liberal world that makes it up as it goes along. To be honest I see Christianity as being the greatest moral force to have graced mankind, having changed and birthed civilization (particularly the Protestant reformers) and have given us our entire notion of civil rights, personal freedoms, sanctity of life, marriage, the importance of the family etc and having replaced such morally flawed empires as Rome, Carthage (Phoenician) and Greece. Anyway..I am trying to make the point that morality and reality go hand in hand and that the old testament despite some grisly scenes still, talks about the crossing over from lawlessness and human licence to law, prohibition and deterance through law. The new testament covers the kernal and central idea that man, needs to have the nature of God, not laws, to change his heart, because moral truth, is akin to knowing and having relationship with God!



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