Tuesday 6 June 2017

Immunity of Criticism -By Robert Fullarton

Immunity of Criticism
-By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2017

If you cannot criticise the islamic doctrine, if it is to be immune of critical analysis, then it will grow exponentially and proliferate in influence, as a culture and a political means to live by. Sharia law is the culmination of the violence of the caliph's, a legacy of conquest and submission, the strict, archaic, barbaric, domination of all fields of life by a theocratic dictatorship, is the ends of this medieval doctrine. If you cannot criticize and speak the truth on the matters of islamic doctrine, then you will not get to the source of jihadism, you will not analyse the impetus for such violence and "pick the minds of the jihadis", who believe that all non-believers are inferior and deserve nothing less that to be annihilated.Men can hold vigils and pretend to be strong, in social unison and in the height of their countries prestige, but in reality be just a wooden board in the limp and weightless facade of a sick, culturally stagnant and divided Europe.

How can one not prosecute the murderers of Europe, when such men, in heart and mind go back to an imam and a reading of the Koran. Should not all citizens of the public read the Koran for themselves and see the violence perpetrated, encouraged, condoned and mandated for. Why not? Why be afraid to speak the truth, when it has already been written, written down and recorded in the annals of history. The authorities of Europe fight a battle with one arm tied behind their backs, if they are powerless, then they have done this to themselves.

One has to hurt a few people's feelings, speaking the truth despite the hubbub about it and has to kick up a storm, so to put one's house in order. England was once a Christian country, a bastion and cradle of Methodism, quakers, of Christian philanthropy, of social reform, of missionary activities across the globe and one that fought for free speech. England was never a muslim country, and yet priority is given, and immunity is given over criticizing islam in preference of the safety of its citizens and the prosecution of the killers. More men will be seduced to violence, so long as the psychology of islam goes unexposed, un bemoaned to the public and untold to all, as the cycle goes on. "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" is needed, and if one is frightened of the pandoras box being opened, well then one needs to know that it has long since been opened, as two world views are at war, fighting for their survival- despite the willing complacent ignorance or many in the west- and yes its a clash of civilizations, its one that had been buried, but has once more been unearthed.The modern world, is a legalistic jargon of utilitarian convenience, of wishy-washy idealism and total pacifism to those who would wish to destroy it.

You may be living in the 21st century but there are others who are living in a time warp and their heads and hearts operate out of a brutal period of conquest that is very much alive in their desires, it has been lying dormant and is now being revived for a very deadly war of invisible, almost silent terror that is being used  to fan the flames of a very menacing fire. Those who worship their rights, know now that your rights are in danger of being forever annihilated! This is real and not a fantasy, so men cannot go back to bed and sleep through this ever worsening cataclysm. Total prosecution of the jihadis is needed. exposure and critical analysis is needed and yes truth telling is fundamental!



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