Friday 21 November 2014

Civilisations- Christian sermon Copyright Robert Fullation 2014

Civilisations- Christian sermon
Copyright Robert Fullation 2014

If Hitler had the ability to fool an entire nation -and an incredibly advanced civilization one may add- into believing a grand deception, that an entire people -without the adduced proof or reasoning- were the enemy and the cause of that nations' troubles, then indeed how easy it will and can be for the so-called rational nations of the world to once be fooled and be duped into a grandiose immorality. One can fool and be fooled by a lie...a political lie that circulates through the veins, capillaries and arteries of the social error that made men murder for the fear and hatred of another people.

With every deception -on such a collective scale as grand as that with what happened within Nazi Germany- the morality of the society declines...its absolute binding obligations...its duties to the vulnerable are scrapped and moral compromise becomes more apparent until the original harmony becomes a chaotic disorder and twisting of morals. The land of Reformers and Protestant learning gave way to a hideous ideology of pagan hero worship for the "fuhrer" where all integrity was sacrificed to an all or nothing...demented and hell bent nationalism that viewed its people as above and over all other peoples (and moral actions).

The laws of democracy were burnt, the power of reformatory Germany had ceased to have any binding effect upon the consciousness of the German people. Marxism, nationalism and fascism were the ideological maxims and choices of a people at the centre of four major European wars. A social Darwinism became the creed of the German people whose lust for revenge and identity as the apex of races drove them to ideological excesses, where the people-right through the classes- ran with the sheep over the cliffs.

If this "enlightened" modern people of western civilisation could be tempted, seduced, deceived and corrupted by a mass system of propaganda then what could say prevent it from happening again? Rationalism does not guarantee a boundary against the excesses of human nature, but merely seems to attack and discredit the great deterrents and prohibitions that stand against such excesses. If anything our educational system has tried to paint man as merely an apex animal and is therefore ironically anything but educational but a retrogressive waste of words....mere knowledge  not wisdom as our society slowly abandons its system of virtues for compromises and its constitutions are smelted down with amendments and challenges by dissenting voices . What was the result after the collapse of four world empires post WW1? Anarchy, revolution, the great doubt of masses, destruction of spiritual wholeness? The emptying of the soul in to a poison cup of false utopias poured out in revolution, abandoning the faith for the force of violence, anything but, the simple but profound virtues of the Christian faith and the inner courage that shrinked with political schisms. The media has gross proportion of representation over our life than ever is perhaps the visible visage of  society itself to a greater extent...its sole aim is to sensationalise degrades the serious points of life and makes vulgar habits a point of entertainment...and makes responsibilities look "lame" but despite that many moan about why and how western civilisation has slouched and fallen to such a state of void...the civilisations will be fooled again and again with the latest political fad.

Each empire rises to a zenith and then slopes to a nadir of power, to which political and social scapegoats are searched for in the branding and condemnation of all for the troubles of the people and in such instances human nature really does emerge in hate and fury, beguiling vengeance and systematic persecution. Nero killed the Christians of the 1st century and blamed them for the burning of Rome, as blood and martyrdom were everywhere in the city of Rome, gossip spread amid the confusion. Likewise Christianity today is exposed to such weaknesses, it is misunderstood, it lacks robustness, it lacks intellectual might of thought and organisation -as it is divided on so many issues- but more importantly it needs boldness of faith to outstrip the anthropomorphic arguments and world views of an intellectually smug west. Depth, moral integrity, faith, ancient and holy reverence for the Christianity that was founded on the life of Christ and from his blood need to be re-addressed, as inert tests of character. Indeed every human life is a test of character...and the modern world is a calamitous drift to the reaches of Pluto away from the orbit of spiritual wholeness and God centred exuberance. Christianity must be shown in the light and model of absolute love, unbending will, with a character possessed of Christ's authority and divinity.

 Again I state that Christianity is a faith to be acted out, a relationship and not a religion in its true form and it must be shown to be nothing anthropomorphically designed but something other...something divine..for the spiritual dimension of God's love and power to be touching the material universe, in love and momentous must stop with the cubic measurement of the spiritual...with he relentless analysis and smugness of debate and blind shuffling into frustration. The semantics of human life -our identity is being fooled with- and we are being lied to by the educators of our civilisation, who compare us to nothing and call our lives a mere nothing.

The extremes of delusion are shown on the opposite end of the spectrum with the depravity and epochal ideologies of ISIS, we have the long sought fight for the caliphate on our door once again as it is in the political soup for the future ahead. The caliphate is emerging as a movement -that when pressed down by the crushing of one Islamist movement, raises its ugly head in the mass barbarity of another- to justify itself in the all or nothing apocalyptic hell fire of an atavistic ideology that seeks to re-create the medieval society of 6th century Arabia, it is as nihilistic as the radical humanists of the west that gambled and put all their stakes on technocracy, commerce, entertainment and global communications...and forsook the faith of their forefathers for a mad politically correct  society of loop-holes and weak laws. No man can speak his mind against a liberal west that is befitting a mad hatter's tea party! So long as human nature remains as it is in its bondage to weakness, the divisions and great disturbances will remain, for it is a spiritual, a philosophical and metaphysical dilemma that has not been solved with the excesses of any new found order.

Serious resistance is needed against the snakes of false utopias that even F. Dostoyevsky recognised in his day and brilliantly lampooned as the "Devils". Once again I mention that un-worldly behaviour is needed...for in this world there is a contagion of weakness in the nature of man and in the union with Christ there comes the pilgrimage that takes one out of one's old life, out of selfishness, out of fear,  beyond worshipping ourselves as a god we give into sacrifice to the reason of why? In the Christ life....there we find the order a higher union -one can even be blown to pieces in the roaring faces of advancing army and not falter- for it implies that in the divine man, there shall be a new civilisation that rises from the charred remains of a long cratered and war filled earth. If man cant govern man, who can, if man cant defeat vice by democracy what can?

 But who wants to change their lives? Who wants to be led? Who wants to trust beyond what he cannot see, past a 12 foot wall of apparent impossibility? If our society teaches us the base and vulgar habits of beasts, -because they tell us that we are nothing but beasts, or blobs, or just merely nothing!- how will we learn the high values, deep moral truths, the lessons of humility, the lessons of sacrifice and endurance which need to become more relevant today. We must go from being more than mere unthinking clay shells, but spiritual warriors of love and grand belief. Belief is tested and burnt, tried and exhausted by the forces that oppose it, but its vitality and determination is rewarded by existence itself...because there exists a God that is in charge of the cosmos and all points are reaching out towards their end. Its the end that must be glorious for all we put in must be worth what we get out...being who we are and what we are..let us stick to our faith and Christ we have union with God.



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