Sunday 31 May 2015

What is Sacred? By Robert Fullarton 2015- Christian apologetics

What is Sacred?

By Robert Fullarton

What is Sacred?

By Robert Fullarton

As the bible has stated in Corinthians 1..what we call wisdom..the world calls nonsense and while the world exalts the proud, loves the strong and the bold...God exposes and shames such men and in response he lifts up what the world calls "weak" and "unworthy".

The supernatural cannot be measured by instruments of human science and cannot be scrutinized merely by rationalistic and reductionist thought, is measured, weighed and examined by the spirit of God...that is the instrument for which you will discover what is unseen, what is of a spiritual nature and what is Holy.

Remember what is supernatural- what is out of the ordinary- does it come from all the texts of scientists and philosophers?

If it did then would'nt it really be the work of ordinary mere human analysis and statistic to a sphere, a state, existence and reality that is not holy but human. All things are measured by the soundness of the testimony.

The testimony is given by a revelation from the one who wants to give it to us. I suppose it is a bit like one person passing a message of utmost importance to another..there is intention behind the message and we can even learn something on the nature of the person from the message. There is meaning that touches all and touches heart. There is a voice of love and not just reason in the great deep beyond.

When we look at the stars we gaze at the fixed points of creation and the measures of space, the utilities of gravity and the universe which is bounded in matter in common laws and currents that help sustain us in the jungle of a chaotic creation. We look in sheer dread at the colossus of the stars and fail to know what mind comprehends them..and what life dwells within these “ant observers of the universe.”

On the small and personal there are matters of love and conscience and there are stories and revelations from God that speak of a sacrifice so great that can cancel the debts of the warring and hating human race. As far as I can see this ordinary life before us, this society which we engage in and even this civilization itself is the engagement of desires- of base passions, crude developments which have lead us to ruin, to reach temporal indignity as we like Roman’s clutch the garments and seize the goblets of our own gluttonous want.

The Roman philosophy of hedonism/Epicurianism is rife these days because people have bought the lie told them by the powers of the world/society that they do not matter in the scheme of life..that life has no meaning other than the pursuit of making money and fitting in.

No deep tunnels of truth are reached…no heights ascended..real love needs to be felt against what has become an unbelievably cynical and selfish society.

.The sacred life is laughed at…its works of faith..its vocal aspects..its charity and selflessness because it is viewed to be weak in the face of a socially Darwinian society..that in fact does not know what it even wants!

And as I said before what is sacred is different from what is normal/secular and certainly what is illegal.

It is not for scholarly and scientific is what the philosophers call noumenal meaning..that which comes from its own source but outside the sphere of the ordinary. However God’s incarnation as Christ..with the works of miracles and revelations- not only are they evidence to attest to the claim by the messenger- they are as C.S Lewis stated “not merely fulfillments of nature but a breaking of nature to fulfill the purpose of the one who created nature". I would state that miracles are extra-ordinary measures, inferences and interventions by a God that comes from outside spatial spheres and measurements to reveal himself in time and space to those who live and are bounded in natural law, weakness, entropy and frailty.

 He is both in time and outside time..he is in space and outside space...and he can reveal himself to those who WANT to know him...and this path begins with a thread of confessional choices from the heart to know him...out of and away from the ordinary world we live in.

It is a shame that conventional churches and conventional Christians believe that miracles were mere vestiges of archaic life…which have perhaps “served their purpose” and are no longer relevant to this age of science, skepticism and technological supremacy. As I have heard before the Christian faith stripped of the belief in miracles loses power to convince, to show and explain what is extra-ordinary, what is measured by a spiritual means and compass and cannot be ordinarily measured by those who use mere tools and works of human intellect. It is a shame that the pursuit, and interest, the credibility and nature of the Holy is being denigrated by theological surgeons and scientists that dabble in the philosophy of monism and materialism over what is scientific. They often teach that which is not even scientific but merely reflecting the zeitgeist of the times we live in.



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