Monday 25 July 2016

Heaven and the World by Robert Fullarton Copyright Robert Fullarton 2016

Heaven and the World
by Robert Fullarton
Copyright Robert Fullarton 2016


I have felt within my conscience and my heart over the last couple of years, that I had to change and I still too believe and know that I have to keep changing. Many times in my life, I would conform to the ways of the world, seeking acceptance from my peers, seeking acceptance from certain women, trying to be attractive, wearing a mask, pretending, acting and lying to myself and fighting what God made me. I have been swayed and tossed too many times by the pressures of the world, but I tell you I never felt any love for being in the mainstream, I always felt like a filleted fish, gutless, empty, soulless inside, with raw anger towards myself and like a man who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. So was I whenever I got drunk, or was engaged in lust, chasing the acceptance of others, trying to be popular, being somebody else, there is no home in a makeshift identity, trying to take your unique, God formed identity in Christ and selling it short for a life of restless chasing, and I tell you in this world the passions do not find fulfilment, the horses all come last, they don’t run their course in happiness but all end in a terrible fashion. In the world I’ve seen what men can do, given sufficient means, we are divided and entrenched upon a million reasons, and we make excuses for our actions. I’ve seen how society has become indifferent on many levels to the suffering of others and yet I in turn have realised that I too have been indifferent, by settling in the worlds’ limitations. The world is a limitation that says “you cannot do this!” “You are only this and nothing else!” Too often I wandered the city streets, I looked around me and felt the apathy that was permeating outwards and wished too that I could act differently, because I know from the very beginning, I was reminded and told how different I was, and told in similar fashion, “you are only this and nothing else!” The world goes on as it has been from the beginning, it rambles and roams in a wilderness, there is little harmony beneath the appearance, it has temporary happiness for some, but no joy in longevity for those who seek real substance and solidity. Their hope has been compromised, for the pleasures that die, that seek gratification, that are selfish, whereas the Christian goal, brings fulfilment to all the peoples, it is harmonious, it is sacrificial, it is a union, a breadth which the natural man cannot grasp but the spiritual man can see, for his eyes penetrate the depths of things, while the stubborn man of the world, is frustrated and remains in the circling stream of the world. How I wish that I could change, why have I complained of all that is evil in the world and not protested at my own actions or omissions to act or think differently, I have given in to prejudice too, love is the difference, against the currency of the world which is one of hatred, division and ignorance.
Weariness is the bullet in the soul, in the heart of the man who cannot bare to live upon this earth, for all its stands for, in its entire prestige and pomposity, against the masquerading nations, but he knows he cannot flee from life, but must fight against the forces of corruption. This age is one of creating the massive fantasy of advertising, on television, across the stratum of media, the messages of the powerful are drummed into the peons of the nations, lies are sold to needy people, sheer disfigurement of a God centred life is covered up with the intensification of this lie and thus few people break free from the illusion that is so easily sold and bought by those lost in a life smothered in falsehood.


The Christian in contrast has to look forward, if he ceases to do so then he goes against the central theme of the what is called the New Creation and his own certainty. He who doubts is indeed like the tide “that goes in and out” and sequentially does not budge forward!
The Christian must be different to those whose identity lies in the world, he must “go through much tribulation to enter the Kingdom of God” as Paul once said with strict emphasis. The Christian communes with the Spirit of God, to him he lives and breathes in the nature of God, it is the Novo natura or Homo Novus for which the “dying seed”, laying in the earth “yields a rich harvest” we have regeneration for a people whose life and nature have been transformed in the midst of a world of hatred, darkness and natural entropy. The reasons of the world cannot fathom nor demand, nor conquer through analysis, but must confess in Christ, who is the first of such a species. It is an anomaly and a madness to the naturalist, whose god is the pursuit of knowledge or often that of pleasure and suppressing the spiritual for the fear of losing the temporal gods they have made in substitution of the real, “living God” that willed creation into being, with will he made man, with will he chose a nation from the midst of the earth, from will he chose to know the gentiles, but first willed to become incarnate as man and with his body pierced he sealed a covenant and set the path for the walk unto eternity and the example that is the walk of the holy and for the regeneration. Likewise we must in our will decide for ourselves but mark carefully that the weight of such glory and such hope is unlike all other faiths, it is about the Creator forgiving, forgetting, starting anew and renewing man for an eternal destiny that shines and glows as man becomes the precious stones in a living temple and edifice of eternity, beauty, majesty, glory, as awestruck voyagers they will dwell by the river of life, where the creator first willed all to begin from a trickle unto a cascade, they will see with eyes wide open, what was hidden from them during the harsh test of a life in our failing bodies!

Hell is the absence of God it is to live apart from him in the outer darkness of the void. Men speak of why a loving God would do such a thing? But man was naturally designed to be filled and sustained in his spiritual engine by the fuel of God’s love, men have tried to replace it with all the cheap materials of the world, the shiny objects and the weak substitutes, but have found the rot sank in too soon and none could understand why the despair was so great and why the hole within them grew considerably in time. Heaven is the rich presence of God in abundance and therefore it is life in abundance, potential in abundance, joy in abundance, peace and love in abundance.

His heart compels his choices as to whether he complies to the deceiver who told man that he could take from “the tree of good and evil” be “like unto gods” (and he in turn became spoilt in the excess of the imperfection that came from his mistake!) or to be reconciled and “found” in the sense where that which was lost was retrieved by the one and only in disguise, who came in lowly form, in poverty, to take upon himself, misery, suffering, sin, disgrace and be punished as if he were the worst criminal of all, or perhaps the fate of us all. He was deemed to be the greatest criminal of Israel by the highest authorities and was not accepted but cruelly rejected; he is and was what man was meant to be. We too can love beyond ourselves (sacrificially with hearts that are aflame) there is hope in this life and there is glory in the next.



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