Tuesday 26 April 2016

The hungry heart in the restless world -Notes of philosophy by Robert Fullarton

The hungry heart in the restless world
-Notes of philosophy 2016 copyright
by Robert Fullarton

Many are comfortable and full in this imperfection, in this blurred experience of life, they have had their filling. They seek to settle and make a living and a name in the chief metropolises of the world, on the kingdoms of the earth. They see no sight of what a Christian life may be, how radically different, alien, foreign, strange and to them how, detestable it is. They hate Christianity because they cannot understand it, it appears on the outset to be a symbolism (yielded in a Machiavellian world of power lust by those of the past who never believed or were born of heaven) of old orders, of history and it is the product of yesteryear. These critics never considered it to be the answer to the mystery of creation, the answer to the gaping desire of the heart to be loved and the most profound statement is indeed the incarnation and all it consumes in comprehension! Because a Christian life speaks of suffering and sacrifice for a cause that is greater than our pain, it is dismissed.
Because a Christian life speaks of things unseen and yet to come it is dismissed as nonsense and yes it is dismissed because it tells mankind how wrong it is and lays a foundation, that ironically man needs inertly as the moral compass and narrative of the “whole story” and “full picture”, it is hated. It is hated though because it is misunderstood, it stands away as an enigma, the man of disbelief looks at the abstract picture and finds it to be enigmatic and his feelings betray his discomfort, but the believer has seen the abstraction, to be imminent and real, because the whole layout of the picture has become clear to him, now everything is seen in the full light, the parts of the world are shadows of what is to come, the composition is complete in the fullness of the answer. Those who do not belong to the kingdoms of the world are the wayward men, the pariahs, the wanderers, the aching souls that crave for the sustenance of something different.
The naturalist speaks of there being different species being born, he can speak on the authority of his knowledge about matters pertaining to the natural world, to the chrysalis of a caterpillar unto a Butterfly. But he is ignorant of the concept and belief in a spiritual birth. What can it be? It is something more glorious than the birth of a star in space. It is empirically experienced, but on God’s terms, it comes with the surrender of the heart and the confession of the mouth in the Messiah himself Jesus, the God-man. Can we understand that we are not measuring a system or a plane of existence by another, it cannot be measured, tampered, tempered and changed or even understood by another. How can the scientist on his terms measure or define the spirit of his creator by cubic metre or math equation?The Hebrew knew too well this difference that we of the Hellenistic spirit could not understand. We citizens of a republic of enquiry and science, or insatiable hunger for knowledge, could never find our thirst quenched in the makings of our own understanding, but in the radical, predestined love of God, in the message of spiritual birth, resurrection and the incarnation of Christ, we had and have still something radically different.
The narrative of life has been deemed to be non-existent and life has been deemed to be a mere entropic horror, the night of nihilism is entertained by morbid souls who have dismissed the answer, bemused by the simple answers of the faithful or the profound example of Christ, the abstract and the immanent are a disaster of meaningless show and façade put in place as filler to substitute a whole, but God’s love is the reality that constitutes the whole. Upon this finding the wayward man, though he is physically suffering, is spiritually rich, for his soul has been born unto the God-man who showed us the way and is our baton, for the relay race we run, unto the end, beyond, the gauntlet of the trials and tribulations we beleaguered people endure!

Suffering must concede to a goal that is greater than the suffering. The life of suffering must concede to a life that is one in glory. But what is the principle from which one transports oneself from suffering to glory? Where is the magnificent ladder that reached unto the impossible...from one nature -that is perishing in time- to one that is timeless, worth the toil and earth shattering labour? What is truth and who is truth...can he be a person..? a principle that walks and talks as a reality bound in flesh?

When in contact with the strangers of society, we become actors, we are not baring our souls to openness and honesty, but we are living with veils over our emotions, a veil upon our mind, a shroud upon our heart and a burden in our gut. When the game is played, finished, whether won or lost, we take off our masks and lie down to sleep, so much honesty is lost in man’s lie, to be what he is not, becoming what he was not meant to be. Likewise man does not know God, partially because this lie is in deep circulation throughout the parameters of the world and rooted in our love to rebel against authority and humility to others.

When men try to make heaven on earth, they unknowingly make it a hell for everyone. The history of utopian ideologies has shown how men fail in these quasi-religions to make perfection real, never to make men share all things with others.

Man does not want to share what is his with a needy brother and sister

 Man cannot love his brother on his own accord, but only in what God achieves in making him a creature reborn in the new creation.
Men cannot believe because their thoughts, practices and beliefs are rooted in mundane routine, Greek analytics, on the quantity and might of things, men do not think as the Hebrews thought. The secular man cannot believe the promises of the Messiah, because they are too good to be true, too much to be believed and our cynical minds must be blown open from the cold deathly stench of atheism, to be changed.
Humanism is the mortal philosophy, a powerless, groundless use of ethics without concrete and objective purpose, it dies as man dies. Christianity is controversial to many, because of its uncompromising, unbending morality, to a changing, fickle man, it is hated, because it tells people what to do and what is right.
Humanism appears to be comfortable, appears to benefit everyone, but it is a transplant of man into something else, into what was previous  is it really right for us to scrape the divine stamp off
 Men give politics a messianic quality, they affirm their beliefs to the powers of men, they give their hopes, their deepest desires, dreams and even their lives to this accumulative rule. But because man is flawed as a creature, his works will fail, it is fundamental to the story of the human race, that something spiritual

When men have lost all sensitivity and belief, all nostalgia for the deepest questions of existence, believing only in the utility of the day, in what can be used and taken for themselves, they transform into machines, they become machines of society. All things drive on relentlessly in the machinations of the state, no meaning, no afterlife, no god is contemplated or cared for, because the machine has been programmed into the operational system of society and it cannot think outside the programming, the comfort and utility of its CPU. Man turns into the machine, in his mind the universe is his to mould with the weaponry of science, the elements can be manipulated, the pride is colossal, this psychology is deeply rooted so much so, that man's thoughts are apparently the ascension of reality, to question the secular regime is to apparently

Have you ever encountered the emptiness that is scary, that is tragic, that makes you cry, that makes you mad beyond the day and the night. Then, this is when the pageant of the world and its games are no longer partial to you; you feel and posit your beliefs, your life now goes against its core. You don’t want to play the games the world plays anymore, because something is so wrong and you can inertly feel it, the ancient system of mankind, juxtaposed with badness and barbarity is the same today in every guise



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