Sunday 17 July 2016 a Christian (In response to a friends comment) a Christian
(In response to a friends comment)
-By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2016

I dont know what they classify as "normal", normality can be boring..creativity comes with a good imagination and a sense of compassion for others. 

Those who are different...and I'm different on many levels, are viewed with suspicion, misinterpreted and even disliked. Christians too must be different and must find strength to overcome the conflict, to enjoy being different from the world. We see the things that go on in the world. how messed up it is, how humans can be filled with vitriolic bile and hatred for others!

 But such begins within us, its the phenomenon of choice, its the belief in the supernatural and that there is a conflict going on in the world, called by our ancestors "the battle of good and evil" and it is what it is, despite modern classifications, non-belief and relativistic thinking. 

If you empty your life of meaning, core solid morality, objective morality, you find the substitutes to the "real thing" are just lacking, they are the "man made extensions of wishful thinking!" because your heart was designed to know God (and this goes against religion and secularism) through and in Jesus Christ. God made us to know us and is the God of everything and everyone, he has the check-mate over us, before we even protest and rebel and make our first move. But to be honest, we only rebel because we are frustrated in this life of pain, and hardship, we dont understand the fullness of such knowledge, we dont see the full picture, all of course must be measured in a life that is rich in the supernatural, because we were made for more than this! Morals in fullness are expressions and beginnings of what is eternal, they are practised in this life, they are mirrors of what is universal, what is real, the angels and the Triune God in perfection, dont have moral laws, but are moral in their being, so much so that they are perfect. In Christ we humans know such perfection and rather than obeying legislation in reluctance, we coat ourselves with the reality and fullness of becoming a natural or supernatural moral creature, in contrast to the ordinary nature of humanity which is filled with a mire of cruelty and self-desires. Christ is the embodiment of the natural perfection in the Triune God.



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