Friday 8 April 2016

Christ and the Ideologies Part 1- By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2016

Christ and the Ideologies

Part 1- By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2016

The world is the energetic "beehive" of mass activity, a world of legal and political webs, law courts where people often shamelessly sue for the least concern, where the acrimony and insinuation of "rights" give reign to hypocritical lambastings of those who try speak openly against the agenda of the day (of course I speak about Christians on this matter who are shot down and silenced for their volition). Ours is the volition and the determination to be different, live a way of life so alien to the contemporary world, to the conventional person that we are an anomaly to them, as our faith is an anomaly to the world. To love an enemy, is that not an affront to our human nature, to those who mock us, do we not stun them with our defiant love?

Ours is the city (I allude to the western Roman-Graeco civilisation to being a metropolis) made of stacked cards, a tin hut, glassy screened enigma covers our eyes and "protects" us the naturally ravaged world and the excesses of humanity. Ours is the age of unrelenting pride for the ideologies of human making. Socialism is the hypocritical distribution and hoarding of power from one class unto another, it fails fundamentally because it has not and cannot remove the corruptibility of man, man's heart needs to be remade and his mind renewed, one must also relate to the fact that "war between the classes" is the foundation of Marx's manifesto (and I have read it for myself), no peace can be spawned from the hate filled seeds of such a foundation (likewise I can compare it with Muhammed's teaching which promoted, licensed and encouraged war between those who accepted his message and all who refused).

Likewise hedonism is the baseless storage of pleasure onto the human "bottomless pit", no matter how much one consumes, the ephemeral pursuit of pleasure is fleeing before those whose eyes glow before the attractions and the failing lustre of the world. One needs enough height to wade through the shallows of the human nature and enough depth to pluck the answers from the bottom, before one surfaces to the top. A fundamental change is requisite as all is not what it seems in the world, there is so much more than what we see, but our time, is the fallible creed of the impetuous, of the unmoved, of the comfortable man whose life is but the longevity of base desires, without a knowledge or desperate thirst for the spiritual. Ours is the blindness of life, that mechanically continues without sight of meaning, for what we continue for, strive for and without the epic purpose the believer, gives all and everything unto.



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