Tuesday 9 August 2016

Man as the accidental machine? Against the psychology of atheism by Robert Fullarton, Copyright 2016

Man as the accidental machine?
Against the psychology of atheism
by Robert Fullarton, Copyright 2016

Greek Thinking and Roman living these two facts can be attributed to modern western civilization and to what people collectively call “the west”.We have seen the emotional castration of our civilization, whose belief in inventing meaning does not relate to the reality and logical answer that there is a fundamental meaning underlying all things seen and unseen in existence.

The Greek Socratic method of rigorous analysis has been taken too far, with a minimalistic, reductionist pattern of reducing men to a chemical process, life to anarchic chance and hope to a nullified fantasy. Upon these presumptions there can be no terms for hope, law, order, happiness and especially meaning itself. No subjective invention of meaning can exist or survive after these consequences are discussed and concluded. Man’s identity is not reduced to the medical dictionary, nor is it grounded in the neuro-chemical processes the modern minimalist seeks in vain to achieve. All those who try to explain a rational, empirically based encounter with the supernatural or even explain the psychology of belief itself (and in this instance I am talking specifically about Christianity itself) are fought with vigorous objections based upon supposed technicalities of science in which many sceptics and secularists use with presuppositions, with biasness and without considering the kernel of the believer’s postulation. One digs deep into philosophy to destroy the very abstract basis of thought, argument and order, one digs up the ground beneath one’s feet to try to disprove that there is any rational power behind life and yet proclaims his own view to be rational.

Science has to have a point to make, it must have a conscious truth behind it, to which it all answers to, it is after all purely the fields of observation, method, analysis and deduction of what exists, they are the raw material of a scene in which any person would assume must have a master who attends to it, as a creator who is empty from his studio, we do not presume that the art studio itself is just a self-created mess, but one which is a paradigm of beauty with a reason to pursue, and with ultimately a master artist whose head is full of visions of breathtaking beauty and innovation.

Frankenstein has in this version, in this world, worked hard at making himself a monster, or more truthfully has denoted that he is no entity of choice,( including one of free will, creativity, a God made creation, one drawn to the powers of the creative and emotive processes -as well as the field of scientific analysis- but is a machine of the principa naturalis, of a blind unthinking process, in fact the contradiction states that he cannot even trust his own line of thinking, since he was accidently made by nothing, becoming some-thing, being mindless and suddenly one day bearing the credentials and powers of conscious thought and contemplation.

To use psychology as the coup de grace to theism is in reality the exposure of the modern secularist-materialist worldview, all men are prone to belief, none can be indifferent, none can escape the fundamental reality of a thinking creature called man, who posits thoughts and lives upon his beliefs, which he acts out in accordance with his beliefs and ultimately his actions are based upon what he believes. Yes I am stating that atheism is a religion and one which is different to all others, it is a dreadfully novel religion which came about from the processes of pursuing the Hellenistic civilization of rigorous analysis, critical analysis, scepticism, cynicism and individualism. Individualism too, can be bad, it promotes selfish interest ahead of the community, ahead of being a part of a conscious whole (I myself used to be one to expound on individualism and now have seen the other side of the coin!) and one who puts others before himself!

This civilisation was cemented by the lambasting works of the so-called enlightenment philosophers, who demoted life to an accidental process which was followed up by the likes of Darwin, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche and Sartre and many became ideologically driven, however much of the secularism was promoted by the belief in a monistic universe, that is the philosophy of atheism and the belief in secular society.

Dread has been the final word of the promoters of a supposedly “dead and unintelligible universe”. Such have deconstructed the forms of order upon which a society is based upon, a real Christian society for instance is based upon Christian action, its nexus is upon the paradigm of Christ, upon eternal life, upon eternal peace to one’s neighbours and harmony with God. One’s actions are the fruits of one’s beliefs.

Psychology is not a means for promoting the secular-atheist belief system but instead should be the mirror in which men know their own limitations, know of their bad nature in action and need for salvation and hope.

Such exists the imperfections of our thought patterns, with the limits of our reaches, in depth, in abstraction, in semantics, in epistemology (knowledge) in the abolition of metaphysics and failure to comprehend who God is and what his power concludes and entails. We do not comprehend eternity in its wholeness but only summarize a square inch of thought, usually based upon a biasness to remove God from the picture and from the heart of life.

Most civilizations both before the Modern Greco-Roman religion of progress and those present here today outside of it, have a basic belief in a supreme being of sort, and have a sacred view and belief of both creation and its origins, they do not give themselves to the rigour mortis of worshipping the mere material of creation, their order of thought and culture comes from their belief and worship of their god or gods, for them it is a top to bottom ordered structure. The cultural anthropologist knows this, the implications of destroying belief destroys culture and ultimately makes man made laws akin to God centred truths, in such we have made our morals open to be compromised, because we question everything unto death, and as Kierkegaard stated, “we doubt everything to death!” It is not that the fact dies but merely understanding dies in the process of a utopian riddled world (who pursues Marxism, environmentalism, scientism etc) to replace the God centred life, actions and claims of Jesus Christ.

The world will know no other outside of the man who stated “love your enemies, forgive your enemies, do not repay evil for evil, turn the other cheek to he who slaps you!” The world will know no other from the man who stated he rose from the grave so to give us life beyond death, to know God, to be forgiven and ultimately become a creature of a new creation. Christianity is unique among the world’s faiths in that it is the only one which states you can know the creator himself, that he wants to have a relationship with you and that he personally became part of the creation, stepping in to save his people from the contamination of sin and showing them the way unto perfection.

The attrition of the body is for the glory of the soul! Let us not believe life to be a sham or the sliver of life of between the poles of darkness

All go into the dark nonetheless, but we must have confidence, certainty and happiness that we shall emerge from the other side for where the light shines bolder and more beautiful than ever before. All that exists surely is a fraction of what is contained beyond the pale of our mortal sight!



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