Thursday 30 March 2017

The Glens by Robert Fullarton- Copyright 2007

The Glens
by Robert Fullarton
-one of my first poems

On the foot of Mt. Derrybawn
on the silver lake I saw a bird so pleasant
and so tame
by its shores there lives a fawn
its legs so bandy and so lame

In the soul of the Gaelic woods
I gazed upon St. Kevin sleeping
Beside the lush vision of the flower buds
I thought I heard a child weeping

The golden sun shed its light
marvelling as amber on herons backs
in dusks final cry before the night
I saw the solemn miners carrying home their heavy sacks

While I took a fleeting glance
of the maiden glen
I fell forward into sleeping trance
while thinking of St.Kevin's glen


Gender Revolution!?

Gender Revolution!?
This is an old opinion piece I wrote...several months ago.
Copyright Robert Fullarton February 2017

The Front covers of National Geographic are a bit mad, they are also ideologically driven, by an elite media, that thinks they are being futurist or "progressive" in thinking, but there are'nt 7 genders, or 5 genders or even 3 genders. I dont say this in bitterness but with respect to natural order and form. I say this with respect to the education of children and how we must not indoctrinate them with ideology, and confuse them on issues which reflect sexuality, considering children are at an assexual stage in their development.

How can we call such issues as a "revolution" when its more like a retrogression of fact and form, where too often people take what they feel to be fact or hate whom they were created to be, hate their identity, hate their own body. Can we really pander and be subject to these feelings and the projections by big media in the world. I'm afraid everything these days is far too political, its vitriolic, its hate filled, and it spills into the conscious mind of people, but pushed by rich elites, corporations, everything these days is apparently in a grey area, as kierkegaard stated "is at risk of being doubted to death" and "this is a veritable sale of ideas". Indeed so, many entertain radical doctrine and seek the dismantling of old order, tradition, culture and belief, but the most radical of such and dare I say deranged is the notion of their being a gender revolution, and the notion that one is what one feels, rather than one is born to be a man or woman.
 We are not what we feel but rather we are what we were created, part and parcel of the greater picture, as all creatures, are facts of biology, beings born of the genders, male and female for the progenity of the next generation. We are imbedded in the natural world and the human body being delicate as it is cannot exist on the whims and feelings of harmful abuses to change and alter such a delicate process. I also believe to that these notions need to be examined up objectives facts as we come home to find painful truths. This gender revolution is an experiment in sociology, to the radical edges of so called "human rights" where guilt and victimhood are pushed with insane liberal ideology.

 I will not get into the ramifications of the new radical doctrines being introduced through media, through the extremes of american, counter-culture, but I will state that the degeneration begins when wrapped in the so-called foil of so-called rights (in the modern religion of human rights), rather than responsibilities and then unfolds in time unto further social disarray. I cannot see how twisting the social and biological norms of human nature to suit ideology can benefit the moral core of a society. Why must one re-think what is genetically established within.
 All things have been offered up unto the political lense to be scrutinised and apparently too the human body is now a political issue or issue of ideological examination. These days the shibboleth or slogan states "do as thou likes" so long as you "dont interfere with my rights". As the Apostle Paul said before, I am free to do everything, but not everything is good for me."


Tuesday 7 March 2017

The silent witness in the wilderness -By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2017

The silent witness in the wilderness
-By Robert Fullarton

There are those who seek to condemn every little nuance of intolerance on one side of the spectrum while turn a blind eye to the obvious cruelties and abominations that are rising, like a revival of primitivism, a return to savage rite and in this a huge hypocrisy stands in the midst of those who take the high moral ground. One law for one bunch of people and another law for the others, this is the a la carte mentality, a la carte democracy, of a McCarthyesque system of control, of witch hunting and demonising that has ironically been spewed from the hate filled mobs that claim to "love rights", "love freedom" and hate fascism!! Is it not true that a tree is known for its fruit, and one's deeds stand as a testimony for all times, like a log book for our life, our deeds are recorded in history, we cannot justify the crimes of violence, hatred, destruction of property and death threats that have come about from the mob rule and mob mentality that is growing, from a confused body of ideologues, where the rule books and laws of common sense have been burned, having been flung out of the college campus windows. Likewise men give hate a reason, mere words are used as the ammunition to take pot-shots at the societal sensitivities that have been inflated beyond belief. But it is obvious and true to state that when you transplant the churches and the traditions of the past, the heart shaped box (as the philosopher Pascal coined in a phrase) must be filled, the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of man are embedded with state ideologue, state rhetoric and idealism, a man cannot apparently reach heaven, so he must make heaven here on earth and do so at all costs!
We see the contemporaneous rise of primitivism, barbarism, where such is clothed in a fancy rhetoric, promoted deliberately, given immunity, amnesty, where it seduces western minds with something- which is "other" than Christianity and the old traditions- and yet the facts need to be read and studied for themselves by reliable sources. I do believe that the leisure and pleasure society -a society built on entertainment, a sort of modern day Graeco-Roman world- is poised through its own encouraged and promoted negligence, through its naive stance, ignorance of facts, disbelief in the moral absolutes of the nation and of course the complacency of the common citizen, such is on the knife edge, or at the final stage of what was once a mighty empire, and empires collapse from internal divide. All empires have their phases, their rise, apex and nadir, but all such empires can be examined and the cultural dismemberment begins in internal dissent, where the strength of the nation, the integral morality within of a civil society fails and perishes, through generations of constant doubt, skepticism, of waging war within, such a society is once again on the knife's edge and ready to collapse!
We have apparently doubted the facts to death, man wants everything, and wants to go to those territories that were previously of limits. Man scoffs at his authority, and states "there will be no limits" to the future, as man can apparently cross the entire "smorgasboard" of experiences and beliefs, can keep them all, can uphold them all, can place all on equal terms and upon equal footing. The naysayer, the dissenter to this nonsense is of course an "old fashioned" "buffoon" of some sort who is not in touch with the "fashion of ideas" which each generation has been spoon fed on through the peer pressure and mass movements of societal thought! Apparently truth changes?
These destructive demolition charges were placed at the core of harmonious and healthy thought, were set alight by the words of men like Schopenhauer, Marx, Freud, Nietzsche and Sartre. The very moral compass on which the western world looked to has apparently been smashed and trod upon. We see youth today from a certain age seeking answers and finding substitutes, with suicide rates higher than they have ever been. The semantics of life have been demoted, the spiritual core and nature of man denied for the mounds and temples man has made to a knowledge "without reason", as if X amount of knowledge grants one all answers. The hedonistic phase will not last forever, as the hearts of men- with the cigarette buts of the wasted days- but as all empires die they are replaced by another, one is more aggressive, who uses, not only word, but sword and doctrine (positing belief) and who appeal to those seeking inner power for the the growing messianic politics of this tragic world around us.
Truth is eternal, it cannot be changed by well-wishing, by the tirades and rounds of vitriolic bile that are spewed against it, it remains whether conceived to be a positive thing or a negative thing. Truth comes out from the tumult and the storm, still strong, shinning and for those who hold to the truth who may receive a battering, but they are the holders of the torch, the runners, the knights of faith and the little lights glowing in hours of pitch dark, through our darkened megalopolis' these lights are holding on despite being the naysayers and conscience of a compromising and questioning society. These lights are still on, these hearts are holding on, by the grace of God!


Monday 6 March 2017

Beyond the door.... By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2017

Beyond the door....
By Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2017

Detached man
-From the people
All disjointed
-From the society ripped apart
From the bindings
Of the fluttering soul
Croaking out
Communities splinter
Into self sought individuals
Self seeking makers
Of the images
of the cardboard cut utopias

Days in cafes babbling
Nights in pubs bleating
to the sore
and sorry soul
knowing not
but wanting to consume
from murky troughs
of eternal waste suspended
from nightly rambles
and daily walks
through the societal mists
of man made complications

A day is like a page
Of life
A life is a fluorescent judgment
In the dark hinterlands
Of the human heart

In a moment a random man
Searches for the luminescent God
From the luminescent heart
From the deeply desiring soul
Awoken from the slumber
A confession of the lips
The harbouring
And grasping
Of the beloved
In the landscapes
Of time and space
And all that lies beyond the door

Desiring to be in his arms
Cradled and grown
Out of the good and healthy soil
To have a good and mighty soul

I have ploughed through these blizzards
These days of know not
And know what
These devices of the world
To the hungry receptive
Minds of the generations

The squeezing of all promises
The testing of all hearts
Comes at the boiling over
Of the nations on the heads
Of the tied and bound scapegoat

They cry for meaning
Like ragged souls in the grimy streets
In the lofty palaces of knowledge
In the giving and taking of alms
In the making of money
And the mounds of pleasure
But live as sleep walkers
Through the pageantry of the night
Each dame and gent partakes
And plays a part
But the act is wearing out
And the game has grown in tedium

In a moment a random man
Searches for the luminescent God
From the luminescent heart
From the deeply desiring soul
Awoken from the slumber
A confession of the lips
The harbouring
And grasping
Of the beloved
In the landscapes
Of time and space
And all that lies beyond the door

A God with hands and feet
Arms stretched outward
Without a sound
For whom to meet
On the ragged road homeward



Friday 3 March 2017

The Political wilderness- -by Robert Fullarton copyright 2017

The Political wilderness-
-by Robert Fullarton
copyright 2017

There has been an ongoing biased censorship of media, by the mainstream right across the western world. Those who are not ideologically acquiescent with the mainstream media- or the modern espirit de corps- of the modern western world, are silenced, censored, blocked, and of course persecuted, through thought manipulation. I had never known it before, how far our society in certain sectors, has started to fulfill the fictional world of George Orwell's Eurasia in 1984, with a certain thinkspeak, with a demonisation, manipulation of thought, image, word and idea.
I love the use of words, press coverage and story telling but my do I feel great disdain and disturbance with what I have seen over the recent years, with the media's biased and unfair analysis on news reporting, on failing to cover (deliberately done) stories that show up or counter the ideology of the media. The media today is too powerful, its become a machine well funded by the lucrative wheels of industry, of big businesses, (whether it be George Soros, Buffet Freud, Denis O'Brien or Rupert Murdoch) and a garrulous mouth to shout down the last voices of free-speech.
I believe that there are many elephants in the room, ignored willfully and recklessly by a lunatic belief in utopian marxist politique. Much damage has been done already, with the cultures, traditions, morals and security of western Europe in jeopardy, facing a threat on many fronts, with disunity and sheer dishonesty in the purveyors of information. It has truly become a war for the honest truth in all matters though a bed of ideological insincerities.
The common ideal that all can live together, regardless of differences has been tried and tested and is continually seen to be the hash piped utopian dream that does not live up to reality. In Germany and Sweden with the rising tide and numbers of sexual assaults and sheer displays of raw anarchy, the common man and woman needs to question and revive their civil powers, responsibilities and rights. The women of Germany and Sweden deserve too to be protected and not suffer the civil disturbances one might encounter in a third world backwater. But more correctly why has this not been prevented and why cant this be stopped with thorough prosecution of the law!

 I wrote this in response to how the sexual assaults in sweden, Germany and Denmark were not given proper media coverage so as not to upset the status quo and the presumptions of those who have the deepest pockets and those who shout the loudest.
