Thursday 30 March 2017

Gender Revolution!?

Gender Revolution!?
This is an old opinion piece I wrote...several months ago.
Copyright Robert Fullarton February 2017

The Front covers of National Geographic are a bit mad, they are also ideologically driven, by an elite media, that thinks they are being futurist or "progressive" in thinking, but there are'nt 7 genders, or 5 genders or even 3 genders. I dont say this in bitterness but with respect to natural order and form. I say this with respect to the education of children and how we must not indoctrinate them with ideology, and confuse them on issues which reflect sexuality, considering children are at an assexual stage in their development.

How can we call such issues as a "revolution" when its more like a retrogression of fact and form, where too often people take what they feel to be fact or hate whom they were created to be, hate their identity, hate their own body. Can we really pander and be subject to these feelings and the projections by big media in the world. I'm afraid everything these days is far too political, its vitriolic, its hate filled, and it spills into the conscious mind of people, but pushed by rich elites, corporations, everything these days is apparently in a grey area, as kierkegaard stated "is at risk of being doubted to death" and "this is a veritable sale of ideas". Indeed so, many entertain radical doctrine and seek the dismantling of old order, tradition, culture and belief, but the most radical of such and dare I say deranged is the notion of their being a gender revolution, and the notion that one is what one feels, rather than one is born to be a man or woman.
 We are not what we feel but rather we are what we were created, part and parcel of the greater picture, as all creatures, are facts of biology, beings born of the genders, male and female for the progenity of the next generation. We are imbedded in the natural world and the human body being delicate as it is cannot exist on the whims and feelings of harmful abuses to change and alter such a delicate process. I also believe to that these notions need to be examined up objectives facts as we come home to find painful truths. This gender revolution is an experiment in sociology, to the radical edges of so called "human rights" where guilt and victimhood are pushed with insane liberal ideology.

 I will not get into the ramifications of the new radical doctrines being introduced through media, through the extremes of american, counter-culture, but I will state that the degeneration begins when wrapped in the so-called foil of so-called rights (in the modern religion of human rights), rather than responsibilities and then unfolds in time unto further social disarray. I cannot see how twisting the social and biological norms of human nature to suit ideology can benefit the moral core of a society. Why must one re-think what is genetically established within.
 All things have been offered up unto the political lense to be scrutinised and apparently too the human body is now a political issue or issue of ideological examination. These days the shibboleth or slogan states "do as thou likes" so long as you "dont interfere with my rights". As the Apostle Paul said before, I am free to do everything, but not everything is good for me."



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