Saturday 19 August 2017

Erosion of society -By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2017

Erosion of society

-By Robert Fullarton Copyright 2017

Its seems to me that the psychology of victimhood has been used to great effect in these recent years, over minorities and majorities, governments and societies, to look at the so-called oppressed and the oppressors and make such the dogma and the taboo of the age we live in. The taboo of course has reached such a farcical state that open-free debate, analysis and reason are road blocked with the common shibboleth of words, slurs and accusations coming from the stoked up fires of the socialist politic. One treads over one’s statements like walking over the shards of cut thread glass, and more appropriately the cut glass of a society being splintered and smashed beyond repair.
We see the degeneration and collapse of society, likewise as great minds in history saw their civilisation plummet to a cataclysm. Social injustice, moral decadence, deep division and the over extension of political power, all contributed to the collapse of the Roman empire, in its final form, Rome on many occasion broke down from senatorial democracy to out-right dictatorship, despotism and autocracy, many shifts and shapes of political power occupied the Palatine and the Capitoline hill, all the evils and ugly sides of human nature were exposed and deeds compiled in the accounts of its many great historians. But the empire reached its zenith and came to its nadir, its power was unmatched but its divisions could not be ignored and so the effects set in, entropy of culture, of faith in its way of life, not only came with the founding of Christendom under Constantine and Theodosius, but a moral and spiritual sea-change made the age old love of all things violent seek, a new way and a new way of thinking. Many had their eyes open to the common human love for violence and self-gratification, something beyond the immediate need and towards the greater good of a universal truth.
Western civilisation is in sharp-decline, its people are in self-doubt, they possess a sort of masochism over their own culture and history, they have bought and adopted the critiques of the continental Marxists and social theorists, that sought to demoralise and cripple the institutions of the western way of life, accusing institutions and traditions in effect, of being oppressive, inventing the persecutory ways of hardship, where none existed, pointing their fingers into the salty fresh wounds of history.
Today I see the media and such disingenuous, utterly non-democratic, vandalism in such groups Antifa as the living nightmare of an Orwellian horde of Zombies that seek to silence all opposition through base violence! The hypocrisy of course is too hard to see, its a sort of abstract painting that you stand back from to spot. I myself find the Black Lives Matters movement to be a sort of hate filled revival of the black panthers and the black supremacist movements of the 1960’s in the dark days of the abuses of African American people and the Civil Rights Movement. Indeed if Policemen have become gun-ho then and are the type to shoot first and ask questions after, then we must have strict prosecution and reform of the institutions of the American Armed forces. All lives matter, let us not point to skin colour and let us not dehumanise any person for their skin colour!
But this has gone too far, its hate for hate, I have seen the arming of young men on the television, as the media too has stoked the racial hatred, has pointed fingers and condemned men like drunken fanatics at a tavern brawl.
One cries racist, like one cries wolf, one just so happens to find racists everywhere these days, they are under our beds, hiding perhaps in wardrobes and certainly walking our streets, like bogeymen our of horror stories they are apparently everywhere!
You see I notice a common breakdown in the rational narrative of debate, topics, of assessing evidence and of course letting the past remain in the past, to repeat these mistakes will –if the media continues to milk the delicate matter- of course lead us down a bad road. Media power of course is omnipresent and that is one of the worst factors we face today, a media so greatly interwoven into our minds and lives, culture and society, with many spawns of one particular ideology, with roots that go inside your head and everyday police the “good and bad” thoughts inside your head, as akin to the power of God almighty himself. The corporate octopus is connected, is growing ever larger and is intent on taking you over until you too become a vassal and all businesses are subsidiaries to the colossal monster itself!
Now this is the sort of thing we don’t see in a democracy, but its the product of a sick-democracy that is coming to its final stages, when men are enjoying the fruits of past labours and endeavours, the complacency and comfort of such a society becomes, stagnant, becomes weak and the former diligence of great minds rusts under the self-flagellation of a masochistic society that is an apologist to its enemies and a accuser onto itself. Such a society divided will not stand and the signs are very apparent! The process of course has been inflated and proliferated by our ubiquitous and garrulous media, who have done much to censor and shut down free-speech and such is a sign of the collapse of democracy towards a sort of corporate and elitist tyranny. The prosecution of criminals and common human vandalism, of course faces roadblocks from political and ideological incentives, legal entanglements and social dissents, if the existence of constitutions and laws become farce then justice will be derailed and the safety of men threatened in these insane times of self-doubt and silence.
Too many have viewed “social justice” as the finality of good and evil in a sort of twisted dogma and invention of the post-war generations, but the pre-existing morals and lessons learnt from history and other civilizations prior to the western capitalist system, show the need for man to return to belief in objective truth. The words “in the beginning there was God”, may seem blasphemous to the 21st century rebel without a cause, but let us see how secular government will fare in the future as radical fringe movements along with mainstream socialist ideology erode the past, the history, morals and traditions of this society. Shall we have another society as terrible and abominable as the Soviet experiment or the Nazi regime, or shall we have something similar but one with another name, offering hope at first, but failing to provide and in turn showing its brutality, and known only when it is too far. Indeed only when the chicken is in the mouth of the wolf, does it cluck in hopelessness! The enemy within is just as dangerous as the enemy without!



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