Saturday 20 December 2014

Christianity and man made religion -Copyright Robert Fullarton 2014

Christianity and man made religion

-Copyright Robert Fullarton 2014

Anthropomorphism, equates religion as something purely social, purely ritual, human and as something which has evolved with each passing civilization. George Mc Donald Fraser (author of the Golden Bough) has been the most famous proponent of such a world-view, as has Durkheim, Marx, Freud and even Nietzsche. All men are the modern forefathers of modern secularism that have borrowed and added to the Darwinian cannon. Such men have done much to create the myth of "religion", to tarnish and simultaneously create the image or appearance of what the theist apparently adheres to.

A sort of old Roman state religion, a passive weak as water, soft and liberal creed exists today in the mainstream Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox branches of the Christian faith, in such circles the dissenting voice of the Christian community rarely challenges the all conquering bulldozer of a media dominated society, with the loosening of moral laws for modern legal loopholes. People want sensationalism, they want entertainment and a big package of pretty lies, if it feels good then it must be good!

I must add to be fair that many so-called Christians have done unbelievable damage to the image of Christianity and have most certainly not practised the teachings of Christ.

 By what the secular demand- the spiritual dimension is denied, the existence of a spiritual authority, of spiritual phenomenon and power outside that of what can be measured, seen and theorized- must be- nonsense. A worldly state religion in the west is just about tolerated (though hated) and a spiritually and intellectually robust faith is detested even more for being supposedly intolerant -because it has a strong view and a sure opinion of things)

Western civilization spends all and gives all for the appearance and the façade, but leaves the interior to be hollow, empty, unjust and sick. The mansions of the west are cold and lonely places and the dynasties of entertainers laud and magnified as they are in Hollywood pomp, fiddle indeed while the earth groans in its own terminal sickness.

If any person wanted to live the "good life" in the traditional sense (meaning a life of pleasure and appearance) then the Christian path would be ill-suited to that particular person. Christianity is a phenomenon of living, being and changing. It is the story of being a changling, a creature that has transformed and is being transformed through the goodness of God, from the old nature to the new nature. This is a declaration in itself that is fundamentally different from all the other religions. Each religion claims to be the single truth, but which one really is truth, could it be a creed or could it be a man, a human being and a God, descended to Earth and the great depths of suffering and love for the human species?

The secularists would declare such a notion to be a mere lunacy or fantasy and yet fail to see the authority, the wonderful and the tantalising possibility that shouts and lights up in the minds of a cul de sac of atheism, dystopian realities and man made cruelty...the scientific elite need to be brought down a peg or two from their self-made thrones.

Nothing speaks for itself and of its own accord out of the vast space material that exist. No object is itself a self-explanatory provision for the fuelling of atheism -which is in reality a heart wished desire that God wont and cant exist no matter what against sense and the heart felt desire for meaning- the why of existence is substituted for the vast provisions of material and excessive and an often frivolous knowledge of everything for nothing.



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