Friday 26 February 2016

Note on Love by Robert Fullarton Copyright 2016

Note on Love
by Robert Fullarton
Copyright 2016

Why do we more than often give a person's physical appearance so much credence over the intellectual, emotional and -I will also say- spiritual nature of the person. More than often such attractions are not compatible when based solely on physical appearance. You cannot sustain a burning candle that simply melts away from the wick down, but you can empower a mutual desire that is shared in two persons, in such cases it becomes a harmony, like a song that transforms into a duet. True relationships are on a deep, knowledge of the two persons involved and truly to love a person, one must know the other on an intimate basis. Meaning cannot be achieved on selfish terms, that flee, die out after coital encounters and treat the other as a mere object of self-desire. A fully grown relationship, transforms into an intricate understanding, it converses and hits the target without missing the mark. True love stripped bare of social pretensions, plays no games, wares no masks, is honest and refreshing in the face of much insincerity and bluff. But this has become a rarity in the rough and the pot-marked world we live in. True love has to overcome the lies of the world to be what it was made to be, in God's great plan for all things



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