Friday 5 February 2016

On Modern Elitism - By Robert Fullarton Copyright Robert Fullarton 2016

On Modern Elitism

-By Robert Fullarton
Copyright Robert Fullarton 2016

I see the UN is trying to force a general compliance with abortion from the Irish government and is putting pressure on them to legislate and legalise it for "all situations". I have realised over the past few years and increasingly come to know that the EU, the UN, Amnesty international etc (these elite bodies of power that supposedly speak on behalf of the majority) are the whitewashed, hypocritical machine of modern elitism that are ruining and destroying the cultural and moral identity that has been in place for generations. These bodies of power are undemocratic, they use passive techniques to cajole or bully governments and assuade public opinion to their belief system. I call it the "religion of human rights" its a secular, humanist belief system that the "rights" of certain peoples must be upholded against all opposition and ultimately silenced. Men may declare themselves to be "atheists" but the religious state and outreach for worship continues with another object or idol and in this case its the legalistic religion of human rights. I dont understand how anyone can ideologically believe in a world of laws without a law giver, a series of instructions, amending ideals and hyperbole without a foundation or meaning behind the whole facade. It was the same with the Bolsheviks of Russia, you see the western "religion of human rights" is just a weak ethical code, focusing on the "individualism" of the modern life, but full of bigotry for those who dont fall into line with what is written on paper. Ask yourself is there any meaning to this ethical code or is to merely a hollow facade? 

This new religion takes bits and pieces of the judeo-Christian faith/tradition and replaces it with what is currently popular or rather the ideals of state socialism. We are living in the Roman world revived where the state was the supreme power, that dictated to peoples lives, controlled it through legislation and unfortunately created the state church, a weak puppet institution that complied and acquiesced to the facade of the state. Today I see and hear from many people, who are vehemently opposed to such bodies and organisations, who know and state that the opponents of such decree holders, petitions, self-righteous charities etc are denied freedom of speech and are silenced. We are living in a time of bureaucratic, judicial and ideological oppression. I have read many articles and researched how there are numerous accounts of those female victims of migrant crimes were covered up and denied justice (such crimes were often hidden behind political motives and reach the governments and ultimately the EU itself. The removal of religious teaching from school curriculums will become a supranational reality soon and public displays of faith (especially for Christians) will be prohibited. What is sought is not diversity, but in reality, uniformity, because the powers of Europe what to create a society where human identity and belief are centralised into a bureaucratic elite of bodies. 

Human identity is not recognised in the state of laws one creates but in the heart of the person! I have read from a few newspapers over the past few years that the term race or ethnic group is being sought to be abolished, so as to remove distinction. Such ideas are like an insane fantasy, straight out of a Franz Kafka novel! Likewise with this enforcement of abortion sought, we can move the lines of morality and stretch them further until our terrain has become unrecognisable and we can cry the shibboleth of "our rights" or rather we can follow the pied piper of the Eurocrats into a unrecognisable madness and state that that my rights are more responsible than those of the vulnerable, the exposed and ultimately the unborn. As Solzhenitsyn stated "you in the west are ready to lay claim to your rights, but are ready to forget your moral responsibilities." Our society is the hybrid offspring of the Marxist belief system (ironically called Capitalist Marxism) and it is just as violently anti-Christian as say the Leninist society, but in more subtle and persuasive methods of corrosion



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